山川 烈(Takeshi Yamakawa)

山川 烈の業績リスト

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001年以前

  1. 山川烈," ミラーニューロンに着目した自閉症スペクトラム障害の鍼灸治療法 -難治性てんかんの併存する症例 -," 第73回全日本鍼灸学会学術大会宮城大会, 仙台国際センター, 2024年5月24-26日.

  1. 山川烈 "非常事態の現場で生きる医工学を目指して " (シンポジウム「新概念医療デバイスと防災医工学」キーノートスピーチ), 第62回日本生体医工学会大会, 名古屋国際会議場, 2023年5月20日.
  1. 山川烈, 下川能史 "耳介迷走神経および耳介側頭神経の鍼刺激によるてんかん発作抑制 - 中間報告 -," 第72回全日本鍼灸学会学術大会神戸大会, 神戸国際会議場, 2023年6月11日.
  2. 山川烈, "てんかん発作を伴う自閉スペクトラム症の鍼刺激による改善 ― 中間報告 ―," 第 31 回(公社)全日本鍼灸学会九州支部大会, 福岡市鍼灸師会館, 2023年10月1日.
  3. 山川烈, "多系統萎縮症の各種症状を改善するための鍼灸治療― 中間報告 ―," 第 36 回バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会年次大会(BMFSA2023), 早稲田大学早稲田キャンパス, 2023年12月17日.
  1. 山川烈, "鍼灸師のレベル向上を目指した研究発表について," 公益社団法人福岡県鍼灸マッサージ師会二区学術研修会, イイヅカコミュニティセンター, 2023年6月25日.
  2. 山川烈, "喜寿を迎えて初めて知る感動―自然治癒力を呼び覚ます鍼灸の力―," 一般社団法人明専会C・D地区・大学特区合同支部長交流会, 九州工業大学大学院生命体工学研究科, 2023年9月9日.

  1. 山川烈,"自閉スペクトラム症およびてんかんの鍼刺激による改善 - 中間報告 -," 第35回 バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会年次大会 (BMFSA2022), オンライン開催, 2022年12月18日.

  1. 山川烈, "ファジィの故きを温ねて新しきを知る," 第37回ファジィシステムシンポジウム, オンライン開催, 2021年9月14日.
  1. Tetsuya Yoneda, Takeshi Yamakawa, Chikamune Wada, "Modeling of the Vasorelaxation Mechanism by Acupuncture/Moxibustion Stimulation for Preventing Arteriosclerosis," International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), Vol.17, No.6, pp. 1989-2017, December 2021.
  1. Tetsuya Yoneda, Takeshi Yamakawa, Chikamune Wada, "Remote vascular dilatation by nitric monoxide generated by acupuncture stimulation," 9th International Symposium on Applied Engineering and Sciences 2021 (SAES2021), Online, December 12-6, 2021.
  1. 山川烈,大丸雅代, "冷熱エネルギーを利用した皮膚疾患のための穏やかな治療法," 第34回 バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会年次大会 (BMFSA2021), オンライン開催, 2021年12月26日.
  1. 西日本新聞, "ファジィー研究「100歳まで」-はり・きゅう師 75歳で合格 てんかん治療に応用-," 2021年6月15日.

  1. 榎本潤季, 河野英昭, 山川知美, 山川烈, "ニューラルネットワークによるこどものストレス状態評価推定モデルの構築, " 第33回 バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会 年次大会 (BMFSA2020), 九州工業大学, 2020年10月31日.
  2. 山川知美, 榎本潤季, 河野英昭, 山川烈, "精油の嗜好反応を用いてCOVID-19による 子どものストレス状態を推定するAIシステムの構築," 第23回日本アロマセラピー学会学術総会, オンライン開催, 2020年12月5日.

  1. 山川烈, "拝啓:生体医工学を目指す若手研究者の皆様へ," 第58回日本生体医工学会, 特別講演, 沖縄コンベンションセンター, 2019年6月7日.
  2. Takeshi Yamakawa, "Distinctive Features of Fuzzy Logic Control,"The 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Data Mining (FSDM2019)," Kitakyushu International Conference Center, October 19, 2019.
  3. 山川烈, "マルチタレント発掘のすすめー若手研究者に捧げるバラードー, " 令和元年度日本大学工学部学術研究報告会, 日本大学工学部, 2019年12月6日.
  1. Tatsuji Tokiwa, Lev Zimin, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Takao Inoue, Hiroshi Kajigaya, Sadahiro Nomura, Michiyasu Suzuki, Takeshi Yamakawa, "A Palm-Sized Cryoprobe System with a Built-in Thermocouple and Its Application in an Animal Model of Epilepsy," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol.66, No.11, pp. 3168-3175, November 2019.

  1. Tomoki Sakogawa, Katsuyoshi Aoki, Futoshi Kuroki, Masanori Eguchi , Takeshi Yamakawa, "Considerations on Monopulse-Based Antenna System for Security Gates, "電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌)IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Vol.138, Mp/2, pp. 100-105, February 19, 2018.
  2. Kousei Kumahara, Kengo Nakajima, Futoshi Kuroki, Masanori Eguchi, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Measurement on Complex Permittiivities of Hydrated Soil, Live and Dead Leaves, Woods, and Stones at Frequency Bands from LF to MF for Landslides Prognostication," 電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌)IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Vol.138, Mp/2, pp. 94-99, February 19, 2018.
  3. Tokiwa T, Zimin L, Inoue T, Nomura S, Suzuki M, Yamakawa T, "Detailed spectral profile analysis of electrocorticograms during freezing against penicillin-induced epileptiform discharges in the anesthetized rat," Epilepsy Research, Vol. 143, pp.27-32, July 2018.
  4. Takeshi Yamakawa, "Design of Fuzzy Logic Controller and its Distinctive Feature," Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol.22, No. 5, pp.740-746, September 2018.
  1. Kousei Kumahara, Futoshi Kuroki, Masanori Eguchi, Takeshi Yamakawa, "A Landslide Prognostication System Based on Bistatic Radar Technology Using AM Radio Waves," Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS2018), Anaheim, California, January 17, 2018.
  2. Tomoki Sakogawa, Futoshi Kuroki, Masanori Eguchi, Takeshi Yamakawa, "A Consideration on Influence of Interference Waves at Security Gate Using Monopulse System at UHF Band, " Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS2018), Anaheim, California, January 17, 2018.
  3. Kousei Kumahara, Futoshi Kuroki, Masanori Eguchi, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Radiation Characteristics of EWE Antenna on Actual Ground for Landslides Prediction Based on Bistatic Radar System Using AM Radio Broadcasting," 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP2018), ExCel London, April 9-13, 2018.
  4. Keiichi Horio, Koya Matsuyama, Masanori Eguchi, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Consideration of Relationship between Shape and Angular Velocity of Particles under Electrorotation," World Automation Congress 2018 (WAC2018), Skamania Lodge,Washington, USA, June 3-6, 2018.
  5. Masanori Eguchi, Keiichi Horio, Futoshi Kuroki, Hiroko Imasato, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Development of Pillar Electrode Array for Electrorotation Analysis of Single Cells," World Automation Congress 2018 (WAC2018), Skamania Lodge,Washington, USA, June 3-6, 2018.
  6. Shouta Sora, Kousei Kumahara, Futoshi Kuroki, Masanori Eguchi, Hiroko Imasato, Takeshi Yamakawa, Keiichi Horio, Kazue Yoneda, Fumihiro Tanaka, "Numerical Investigation of Circulating Tumor Cell Detection Using Resonant Circuits," World Automation Congress 2018 (WAC2018), Skamania Lodge,Washington, USA, June 3-6, 2018.
  7. Kousei Kumahara, Futoshi Kuroki, Masanori Eguchi, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Sensing Performance Evaluation of Landslides Prediction System Based on Bistatic Radar Technology Using Public AM Radio Broadcasting," 2018 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Pennsylvania Convention Center, June 10-15, 2018.
  1. 山川烈, "遙かなるディジタルの海を越えて," 知能と情報(日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌), Vol.30, No.2, pp.7-13, 2018年4月号.

  1. Ritsuko Imamura and Takeshi Yamakawa, "The Development of a System Incorporating a "Multi-Mode Instruction" Exercise Program for Profoundly Intellectually Disabled Persons", ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications, Vol.8, No.1, pp.215-220, January 2017.
  2. Inoue T, Fujii M, Kida H, Yamakawa T, Maruta Y, Tokiwa T, He Y, Nomura S, Owada Y, Yamakawa T, Suzuki M, "Epidural Focal Brain Cooling Abolishes Neocortical Seizures in Cats and Non-human Primates," Neuroscience research, Vol.122, pp.35-44, April, 2017.
  3. 元山宏宇、磯貝浩久、向野義人、山川烈, "乗馬運動が気分の改善と自律神経系および肩こり・腰痛に及ぼす効果について," 日本生理人類学会誌, Vol.22, No.4, pp.173-183, 2017年11月.
  1. 山川烈, "独創性を武器に生き残る," 第5回Design Expo 2017 くまもとデザイン協議会30周年記念講演, 崇城大学ギャラリー, 2017年10月3日.
  1. Kohei Kumahara, Kengo Nakajima, Futoshi Kuroki, Masanori Eguchi, and Takeshi Yamakawa, "Consideration on Incidence and Reflection Characteristics of Hydrated Soil for Landslides Prognostication Systems Using Electromagnetic Waves",11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Paris, France, March 21, 2017.
  2. Tatsuji Tokiwa, Lev Zimin, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Cryoprobe System with Built-in Thermocouple for Cryosurgery, " The 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'17), 済州島、韓国, July 11-15, 2017.
  3. Mizuki Sakamoto, Ritsuko Imamura, Kiyohisa Natsume and Takeshi Yamakawa, "Efficacy of an Exercise Program to Prepare People with Severe Intellectual Disabilities for Physical Fitness Test," 12th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2017), Kurume City Plaza, August 30, 2017.
  4. Ritsuko Imamura, Takeshi Yamakawa, Mizuki Sakamoto, "Effects of an Applied Behavior Analysis-Based Intervention on People with Extremely Severe Intellectual Disabilities Displaying Aversion to Exercise," 12th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2017), Kurume City Plaza, August 30, 2017.
  5. Kousei Kumahara, Futoshi Kuroki, Masanori Eguchi, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Propagation Modeling of Mountain with Flourishing Forest for Landslide Prognostication Using MF-band," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2017), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore November 20, 2017.
  1. 空翔太, 熊原宏征, 黒木太司, 江口正徳, 今里浩子, 山川烈, 堀尾恵一, 米田和恵, 田中文啓,"マイクロストリップ線路上に作成した平行電極による循環腫瘍細胞検出に関する一件等",2017電子情報通信学会総合大会, 名城大学, 2017年3月25日.
  2. 元山宏宇、磯貝浩久、向野義人、山川烈, "乗馬運動が気分の改善と自律神経系および肩こり・腰痛に及ぼす効果について," 日本生理人類学会第75回大会, 千葉大学西千葉キャンパス, 2017年6月24-25日.
  3. 空翔太、熊原宏征、黒木太司、江口正徳、今里浩子、山川烈、堀尾恵一、米田和恵、田中文啓, "リング共振器型電極による循環腫瘍細胞検出に関する検討," 2017年電子情報追伸学会ソサイエティ大会, 東京都市大学, 2017年9月12-15日.
  1. 山川烈, "追悼 Zadeh(ザデー)先生を偲んで 追悼の辞," 知能と情報(日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌)Vol.29, No.6, p.4, 2017年12月.

  1. 山川 烈, "木と竹の文化 −箏と尺八−", 芸術工学会誌, NO.71, pp.15-21 September 2016.
[招待講演,Invited Speech]
  1. 山川烈, "ロハスとエコロジーのための自然材料 −竹と笹−", 2016芸術工学会春期大会「フィンランド国際会議」, フィンランド ハリヤヴァルタ エーミル・セーデルクロイツィ美術館, 2016年5月6日.
  2. Takeshi Yamakawa, "Mild Treatment for Epilepsy", 2016 Workshop on Intelligent System and Information Processing, 中国 Harbin Engineering University, August 15, 2016
  1. Takeshi Yamakawa and Tamae Yamakawa,"The Sacred and the Secular in Japanese Traditional Music -Lecture and Performance-", International Symposium on the Sacred and the Secular in Music, 台湾 Fu Jen University, June 3, 2016.
  2. Ritsuko Imamura and Takeshi Yamakawa,"The Development of a System Incorporating a "Multi-Mode Instruction" Exercise Program for Profoundly Intellectually Disabled Persons", Eleventh International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2016) , 中国 International Exchange Center of Harbin Engineering University, August 16, 2016
  1. 元山宏宇、磯貝浩久、山川烈, "ホースセラピーと鍼治療を用いたハイブリッドセラピーの考察 −自律神経機能, 気分, 痛みの緩和への影響 −, " 九州体育・スポーツ学会第65回大会, 長崎国際大学, 2016年9月16日-18日.
  2. 寺地利江,常盤達司,井上貴雄,福田浩士,鈴木倫保,山川烈,"薬物誘発てんかんモデルに対する凍結時脳波の周波数解析", 第39回日本生体医工学会 中国四国支部大会, 徳島大学, 2016年10月15日.
  3. 辻ひかり,常盤達司,Zimin Lev,石黒博,井上貴雄,福田浩士,山川烈, "構造的に熱電対を内蔵した凍結プローブの開発", 第39回日本生体医工学会 中国四国支部大会, 徳島大学, 2016年10月15日.
  4. 元山宏宇, 磯貝浩久, 山川 烈, "ホースセラピーと鍼刺激による癒しの世界 −ハイブリッドセラピーの可能性を求めて−", 日本ウマ科学会第29回学術集会応援要旨集, p.18,東京大学農学部, 2016年11月28日−29日.
  1. Takeshi Yamakawa, 2016 Asia Pacific Neural Network Society (APNNS) Outstanding Achievement Award (ICONIP2016), October 20, 2016.
  1. 山川烈,"新しいハイブリッド農業を熊本から世界に発信しよう!", 平成28年度熊本県高等学校教育研究会農業部会, 熊本農業高等学校, 2016年6月13日.

  1. Takeshi Yamakawa, "Hardware Implementation of Fuzzy Logic Controller -Designability, Stability and Robustness-", Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, Vol.27, pp. 261-273, 2015.
  2. Takeshi Yamakawa and Tsutomu Miki, "Hardware Implementation of Fuzzy Logic in Early Days of "Fuzzy" Era", Studies in Fuzziness and Softcomputing, Vol.322, pp. 323-335, 2015.
  3. Tatsuji Tokiwa, Lev Zimin, Satoru Ishizuka, Takao Inoue, Masami Fujii, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Hiroshi Kajigaya, Yuji Owada, Michiyasu Suzuki, and Takeshi Yamakawa, "The Palm-Sized Cryoprobe System Based on Refrigerant Expansion and Boiling and its Application to an Animal Model of Epilepsy", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 62, No.8, pp.1949-1958, 2015.
[特別講演,Keynote Speech]
  1. 山川烈, "心身医学へのファジィ的アプローチの可能性", 第54回日本心身医学会九州地方会 (特別講演), 九州工業大学大学院生命体工学研究科, 2015年1月24日.
  2. Takeshi Yamakawa, "Fuzzy Logic Control Covering SOR Network with Applications", Invited Speech at College of Science and Engineering of Fu Jen Catholic University,Taipei, Cardinal Memorial Hall Building, May 29, 2015.
  3. Takeshi Yamakawa, "Mild Treatment for Epilepsy", The 4th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV2015) (Keynote Speech), Kitakyushu International Conference Center, June 17, 2015.
  4. Takeshi Yamakawa, "Potential Treatment for Epilepsy", The 16th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS2015) (Plenary Speech), Mokpo National University, Korea, November 6, 2015.
  1. Masanori Eguchi, Futoshi Kuroki, Hiroko Imasato, and Takeshi Yamakawa, "Design and Evaluation of Electrode for Dielectrophoretic Characterization of Blood Cells", 2015 IEEE Topical Conference on Biomedical Wireless Technologies, Networks & Sensing Systems, pp.57-59, Omni Hotel (San Diego), January 28, 2015.
  2. Futoshi Kuroki, Kengo Nakajima, Masanori Eguchi, and Takeshi Yamakawa,"Consideration on Grounded Coplanar Waveguide for RF-MEMS Integration", Electronic Proceedings of IEEE AP-S and URSI Int. Symp., 1 page, Vancouver,Canada, July 2015.
  3. Takeshi Yamakawa and Ritsuko Imamura, "Training System for Brain Estimating Time", Tenth International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2015), Dalian Bohai Pearl Hotel, August 22, 2015..
  4. Ritsuko Imamura and Takeshi Yamakawa,"Physical Exercise Program for Persons with Intellectual Disability", Tenth International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2015), Dalian Bohai Pearl Hotel, August 22, 2015.
  5. Kengo Nakajima, Futoshi Kuroki, Masanori Eguchi, and Takeshi Yamakawa,"Consideration on Mounting Structure for MEMS Switch at 60 GHz Band", Electronic Proceedings of Thailand-Japan MicroWave 2015, 2 pages, Bangkok, Thailand, August 2015.
  1. 中島健吾, 黒木太司, 江口正徳, 山川烈,"コプレーナ型ポートを有する60GHz帯チップキャリアとマイクロストリップ線路とのフリップチップ実装に関する検討", 電子情報通信学会総合大会, C-2-74, 滋賀, 2015年3月.
  2. 中島健吾, 黒木太司, 江口正徳, 山川烈, "60GHz帯MEMSスイッチの実装に関する考察", 電子情報通信学会エレクトロニクスソサエティ マイクロ波研究会, 機械振興会館(東京), 2015年4月15日.
  3. 中島健吾, 黒木太司, 江口正徳, 山川烈, "60GHz帯MEMSスイッチ実装用伝送線路変換の検討", 豊橋技科大高専連携プロジェクト中間報告会資料, TV会議システム, 2015年11月.
  4. 江口正徳, 今里浩子, 山川烈, "誘電特性の違いに基づいた細胞分離に関する研究", 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会第32回研究会, 北九州国際会議場, 2015年11月27日(予定).
  1. Takeshi Yamakawa, Distinguished Contribution Award 4th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision (ICIEV 2015) June, 2015.
  2. 山川烈, 認定バイオフィードバック技能師(日本バイオフィードバック学会), 2015年7月5日.

  1. Sadahiro Nomura, Masami Fujii, Takao Inoue, Yeting He, Yuichi Maruta, Hiroyasu Koizumi, Eiichi Suehiro, Hirochika Imoto, Hideyuki Ishihara, Fumiaki Oka, Mishiya Matsumoto Yuji Owada, Takeshi Yamakawa, and Michiyasu Suzuki, "Changes in glutamate concentration, glucose metabolism, and cerebral blood flow during focal brain cooling of the epiletogenic cortex in humans", Epilepsia, Vol.55, No.5, pp.770-776, 2014.
  2. 山川烈,今里浩子, "誘電泳動現象を用いた生体細胞の分離", Electrochemistry(電気化学および工業物理化学), Vol.82, No.11, pp. 1,000-1,006, 2014.
[特別講演,Keynote Speech]
  1. 山川烈, "難治性てんかん患者のための低侵襲外科治療法の開発", 平成26年度日本生体医工学会九州支部学術講演会, 九州工業大学情報工学部飯塚キャンパス, 2014年3月1日.
  2. Takeshi Yamakawa, "Paradigm Shift of Epilepsy Treatment -From Ablation to Suppression-", Ninth International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2014), Pukyong National University, June 17, 2014.
  3. Takeshi Yamakawa, "Early Diagnostics of Leukemia by employing Dielectrophoresis", Electronics Computers and Artificial Intelligence-2014 (ECAI2014), Politehnica University of Bucharest, October 23, 2014.
  1. Futoshi Kuroki, Ayumu Akashi, Masanori Eguchi, and Takeshi Yamakawa, "Numerical and Experimental Approach on Separation of Cells Using Dielectrophoresis for Early Detection of Leukemic Disease at High Frequency Bands", Proceedings of the 44nd European Microwave Conference, proceedings of 44th European Microwave Conference, pp.1095-1098, 2014.
  2. Masanori Eguchi, Futoshi Kuroki, Hiroko Imasato, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Design of Ceiling Electrode for Cell Separation using Positive Dielectrophoresis and Inclined Gravity", World Automation Congress 2014 (WAC2014), Hilton Waikoloa Village, August 4, 2014.
  3. Takeshi Yamakawa, "Important Point for Engineers in the Biomedical Engineering Research", Panel Session "On Technobiology : Developing and Applying Technology to Biomedical Issues and Concerns" of World Automation Congress 2014 (WAC2014), Hilton Waikoloa Village, August 6, 2014.
  1. 山川烈, "人間と機械が融和するネオファジィの世界", 第30回ファジィシステムシンポジウム (FSS2014), 高知会館, 2014年9月3日.
  2. 黒木太司, 中島健吾, 江口正徳, 山川烈, "RF-MEMS実装用地板付コプレーナ線路の考察", 2014年電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会, 徳島大学, 2014年9月23日.
  3. 山川烈,今村律子,大倉義文, "脳科学に準拠した自閉症回復のためのトレーニングシステム", バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会第27回年次大会 (BMFSA2014), 昭和大学, 2014年11月15日.
  4. 今村律子,山川烈,大倉義文,力丸哲也, "障がい者支援施設における運動実施プログラム構築に向けて", バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会第27回年次大会 (BMFSA2014), 昭和大学, 2014年11月15日.
  5. 中島健吾, 黒木太司, 江口正徳, 山川烈, "60GHz帯MEMSスイッチ実装導波路の数値検討", IEICE Technical Report, Vol. 114, No. 219, pp. 41-44, 2014.

  1. Tatsuji Tokiwa, Takao Inoue, Masami Fujii, Satoru Ishizuka, Shuji Aou, Hiroyuki Kida, Yuichi Maruta, Toshitaka Yamakawa, Sadahiro Nomura, Michiyasu Suzuki and Takeshi Yamakawa, “Penicillin-induced epileptiform activity elevates focal brain temperature in anesthetized rats,” Neuroscience Research, Vol.76, No.4, pp.257-260, 2013.
[特別講演,Invited Speech]
  1. Takeshi Yamakawa, “Dielectrophoreisis - Approach to Squeeze Out Natural Information of a Single Biological Cell-,” Workshop on Novel Control and Optimization Techniques and Applications, Jiangnan University, China, June 7, 2013.
  2. 山川烈, “ディジタルの浪間にファジィが見える--ディジタルコンピュータは専門医になれるか--,” Eighth International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2013), 熊本市国際交流会館, 2013年9月16日.
  3. 山川烈, “てんかん低侵襲治療法の展望,” 第26回バイオメディカルファジィシステム学会 (BMFSA2013), 北海学園大学豊平キャンパス, 2013年10月12日.
  4. Takeshi Yamakawa, “Minimally Invasive Neurosurgical Treatment for Intractable Epilepsy,” The 20th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2013), Hotel Inter-Burgo EXCO, Daegu, Korea, November 5, 2013.
  1. Shudai Ishikawa, Yoshiaki Ueda, Ryosuke Kuobata, Keiichi Horio and Takeshi Yamakawa, “Signal Sources Localization using GA Preserving Genetic Diversity based on Fitness Values,” 2013 International Symposium on Intelligent Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS2013), Okinawa Jichi-Kaikan, November 15, 2013.
  1. 黒木 太司, 明石 歩, 江口 正徳, 山川 烈, “誘電泳動用シーリング・クリークギャップ電極の高周波特性の計算,” 電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会講演論文集2013 エレクトロニクス(1), pp. 71, 2013. (査読なし).
  2. 黒木 太司, 明石 歩, 江口 正徳, 山川 烈, “誘電泳動を用いた細胞分離用電極の高周波特性の計算,” IEICE Technical Report, Vol. 113, No. 110, pp. 69-72, 2013. (査読なし).
  3. 江口正徳, 山川烈, “誘電泳動と進行波電界を用いた血液細胞の分離,” マイクロ波研究会(MW), 名古屋工業大学, 2013年6月27日.
  4. 今里浩子,山川烈, “誘電泳動現象を利用した血液細胞の分離・同定,” バイオ・マイクロシステム研究会, 東京大学, 2013年10月8日.

  1. Masanori Eguchi, Hiroko Imasato, and Takeshi Yamakawa, “Particle Separation by Employing Non-uniform Electric Fields, Traveling-wave Electric Fields and Inclined Gravity,” Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, Vol.18, No.2, pp.121-137, 2012.
  2. Hiroko Imasato, Takeshi Yamakawa, and Masanori Eguchi, "Separation of Leukemia Cells from Blood by Employing Dielectrophoresis," Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, Vol.18, No.2, pp.139-152, 2012.
  1. Masanori Eguchi, Hiroko Imasato, and Takeshi Yamakawa, “Separation of Blood Cells by Employing Dielectrophoresis and Traveling-wave Electric Fields,” Proc. of World Automation Congress, in CD-ROM, 2012.
  2. Hiroko Imasato, and Takeshi Yamakawa, “Measuring the Mass Density of a Target Blood Cell to Calculate Its Dielectrophoretic Force,” Proc. of World Automation Congress, in CD-ROM, 2012.

[基調講演、Plenary Talk]
  1. Takeshi Yamakawa, "Localization of Epileptogenic Focus on Minimally Invasive Surgery," International Workshop on Evolutionary Algorithms for Material/Nanomaterial Science (EAMS 2011), Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, April 6, 2011.
  2. Takeshi Yamakawa, "Fuzziness: Its Significance and Utility -From Knowledge Acquisition to Approximate Reasoning," Fourth International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics (ISII2011), International Academic Exchange Center, Qingdao University, May 1, 2011.
  3. Takeshi Yamakawa, "Brain-Inspired Modeling to Achieve Knowledge Acquisition and Fuzzy Inference -Dynamical Self-Organizing Relationship Network (DSPR)-," World Conference on Soft Computing (WconSC2011), San Francisco State University, May 25, 2011.
  4. Takeshi Yamakawa, "Localization of Epileptogenic Focus and Minimally Invasive Surgery," Communication, Science & Information Engineering (CCSIE2011), Middlesex University, July 25, 2011.
  1. Hiroko Imasato, Takeshi Yamakawa, Masanori Eguchi, "Separation of Leukemia Cells from Blood by Employing Dielectrophoresis", Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, Vol.17, 2011.
  2. Masanori Eguchi, Hiroko Imasato, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Particle Separation by Employing Non-Uniform Electric Fields, Traveling-Wave Electric Fields and Inclined Gravity", Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, Vol.17, 2011.
  3. 江口 正徳, 今里 浩子, 山川 烈, "血中細胞の同定を目指したシーリング・クリークギャップ電極における正の誘電泳動力の測定", バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会誌, Vol.13, No.1, pp.49-56, 2011.
  4. Shunsuke Sakaguchi, Keiichi Horio, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Multimodal sensory motor coordination by learning in dynamical self-organizing relationship network", International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol. 7, No. 11, 2011.
  5. S. Ishikawa, H. Misawa, R. Kubota, T. Tokiwa, K. Horio, T. Yamakawa, "Multi-space Competitive DGA for Model Selection and its Application to Localization of Multiple Signal Sources", Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol. 15, No. 9, pp. 1320-1328, 2011.
  6. Hakaru Tamukoh, Keiichi Horio, Takeshi Yamakawa and Masatoshi Sekine, "Rough-winner-take-all for Hardware Oriented Vector Quantization Alogrithm", IEICE Electronics Express, Vol. 8, No. 11, pp. 773-779, 2011.
  7. Takeshi Yamakawa, "Electronic circuits dedicated to fuzzy logic controller", Scientia Iranica, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 528-538, 2011.
  8. Yuya Hirayama, Satoru Ishizuka, Zimin Lev Grigorievich, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Disappearance of Epileptic Bursts on Rat Hippocampal Slices by Using Laser Irradation", International Journal of Intelligent Computing in Medical Sciences and Image Processing, Vol.4, No.2, pp. 165-171, 2011.
  9. Satoru Ishizuka, Hiroaki Koga, Zimin Lev Grigorievichi, Takeshi Yamakawa "Cell Necrotization in Rat Brain by The Cryogenic Probe", International Journal of Intelligent Computing in Medical Sciences and Image Processing, Vol.4, No.2, pp. 165-171, 2011.
  10. Masami Fujii, Takao Inoue, Sadao Nomura, Yuichi Maruta, Yeting He, Hiroyasu Koizumi, Satoshi Shirao, Yuji Owada, Toshitaka Yamakawa, Tatsuji Tokiwa, Satoru Ishizuka, Takeshi Yamakawa, Michiyasu Suzuki, “Cooling of the Epileptic Focus Suppresses Seizures with Minimal Influence on Neurological Functions,” Epilepsia, Vol.53, pp. 485-493, 2011.
  1. Shunsuke Sakaguchi, Keiichi Horio, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Action learning with multimodal sensory motor coordination by learning in dynamical self-organizing relationship network", NCSP2011, Tianjin, China, 1-3, March, pp. 32-35, 2011.
  2. Masami FUJII, Takao Inoue, Yeting He, Hirochika Imoto, Tanaka Nobuhiro, Takayuki Oku, Yuichi Maruta, Hiroyasu Koizumi, Sadahiro Nomura, Yuji Owada, Takashi Saito, Toshitaka Yamakawa, Tatsuji Tokiwa, Takeshi Yamakawa, Michiyasu Suzuki, "Alterative treatment of intractable epilepsy with focal brain cooling", 29th International Epilepsy Congress(IEC2011), Rome, Italy, 2011.
  3. Tatsuji Tokiwa, Zimin Lev Grigorievich, Hiroshi Fujioka, Takao Inoue, Masami Fujii, Satoru Ishizuka, Yuji Owada, Michiyasu Suzuki, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Disappearance of epileptic discharges and seizures with cryoprobe in rat brains", 29th International Epilepsy Congress(IEC2011), Rome, Italy, 2011.
  4. Takao Inoue, Yeting He, Masami Fujii, Hiroshi Fujioka, Tatsuji Tokiwa, Hiroyuki Kida, Hirochika Imoto, Yuichi Maruta, Sadahiro Nomura, Takeshi Yamakawa, Michiyasu Suzuki, "Inhibitory effects of focal brain cooling for motor cortical seizures in cats and nonhuman primates", 29th International Epilepsy Congress(IEC2011), Rome, Italy, 2011.
  5. Toshitaka Yamakawa, Takeshi Yamakawa, Takao Inoue, Shuji Aou, Satoru Ishizuka, Masami Fujii, Michiyasu Suzuki, "Minimally-invasive ECoG recording using the novel subdural electrodes manipulated by a shape memory alloy guidewire", 29th International Epilepsy Congress(IEC2011), Rome, Italy, 2011.
  6. Yuichi Maruta, Masami Fujii, H. Imoto, Sadahiro Nomura, T. Matsushige, T. Ichiyama, Takeshi Yamakawa, Michiyasu Suzuki, "Identification of epileptic focus with multi-channel near-infrared spectroscopic topography (Optic Topography)", 29th International Epilepsy Congress(IEC2011), Rome, Italy, 2011.
  7. Hiroaki Koga, Satoru Ishizuka, Zimin Lev Grigorievich, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Effects of Freezing Brain Tissue by a Micro-Cryoprobe on the Neuronal / Circulatory Functions", 2011 IEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2011), Anchorage, USA, 2011.
  8. Masami Fujii, Takao Inoue, Yeting He, Michiyasu Suzuki, Tatsuji Tokiwa, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Alterative treatment of intractable epilepsy with focal brain cooling -A review of our past studies-", 2011 IEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2011), Anchorage, USA, 2011.
  9. Toshitaka Yamakawa, Takeshi Yamakawa, Takao Inoue, Shuji Aou, Tatsuji Tokiwa, Masami Fujii and Michiyasu Suzuki, "Minimally-Invasive Epileptogenic Focus Detection Using the Subdural Electrodes Manipulated by the SMA Thin Wire", 2011 IEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2011), Anchorage, USA, 2011.
  10. Takao Inoue, Masami Fujii, Yeting He, Yuichi Maruta, Hiroyuki Kida, Sadahiro Nomura, Michiyasu Suzuki, Tatsuji Tokiwa, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Development of a Focal Cerebral Cooling System for the Treatment of Intractable Epilepsy: An experimental study in cat and non-human primates", 2011 IEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2011), Anchorage, USA, 2011.
  11. Hiroyuki Kida, Masami Fujii, Takao Inoue, Yeting He, Yuichi Maruta, Sadahiro Nomura, Kazuhiro Taniguchi, Takuya Ichikawa, Takashi Saito Takeshi , "The effect of focal brain cooling on epileptic discharges in rats -Frequency analysis of electroencephalography-", 2011 IEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2011), Anchorage, USA, 2011.
  12. Toshitaka Yamakawa, Takeshi Yamakawa, Takao Inoue, Tatsuji Tokiwa, Shuji Aou, Toru Aoki, Yuichi Maruta, Masami Fujii, Michiyasu Suzuki , "Cool the Brain: A novel strategy to control the abnormal brain activity", 12th International Young Scientists Conference Optics and High Technology Material Science - SPO 2011, Kyive, Ukraine, 2011.
  1. 井上貴雄, 藤岡裕士, 藤井正美, 賀業霆, 常盤達司, 井本浩哉, 小泉博靖, 野村貞宏, 平野健一, 新山正徳, 山崎博実, 山川烈, 鈴木倫保, "ネコ大脳への適用を目的とした脳冷却デバイスの開発," 第5回日本てんかん学会中国・四国地方会, 鳥取, 米子pp. 2-3, 2月12日, 2011.
  2. 藤岡裕士, 藤井正美, 井上貴雄, 賀業霆, 常盤達司, 井本浩哉, 小泉博靖, 野村貞宏, 山川烈, 鈴木倫保, "脳局所冷却によるてんかん発作時不整脈の抑制," 第5回日本てんかん学会中国・四国地方会, 鳥取, 米子,pp. -, 2月12日, 2011.
  3. 井上貴雄, 藤岡裕士, 藤井正美, 賀業霆, 常盤達司, 井本浩哉, 小泉博靖, 野村貞宏, 山川烈, 鈴木倫保, "プローブ型冷却デバイスの開発による術中ヒト海馬冷却," 第18回九州山口てんかん外科研究会, 福岡, pp. 17-19, 2月25日, 2011.
  4. 常盤達司,ジミン レフ,井上貴雄,藤井正美, 藤岡裕士,石塚智,大和田祐二, 鈴木倫保, 山川烈,“Wistarラットを用いたペニシリン誘発てんかんモデルに対する凍結治療の検討”, 第45回日本てんかん学会(JES2011),新潟,p. 180 (O1-64), 10月6-7日,2011.
  5. 常盤達司,井上貴雄,ジミン レフ,藤井正美, 粟生修司,石塚智,鈴木倫保, 山川烈,“サルを用いたペニシリン誘発てんかんモデルに対する凍結治療の検討 -皮質部位でのてんかん誘発とその凍結実験-”, 第45回日本てんかん学会(JES2011),新潟,p. 262 (P1-40), 10月6-7日,2011.
  6. 藤井正美,井上貴雄,賀 業霆,井本浩哉,丸田雄一,小泉博靖,野村貞宏,常盤達司,山川俊貴,山川烈,鈴木倫保,“Focal brain cooling for the treatment of intractable epilepsy”,第45回日本てんかん学会(JES2011)新潟,p. 126 (WS 1-5), 10月6-7日,2011.
  7. 丸田雄一,井本浩哉,野村貞宏,井上裕文,松重武志,藤井正美,市山高志,山川烈,鈴木倫保,“マルチモダリティー脳波解析によるてんかん原性域の推定”,第45回日本てんかん学会(JES2011)新潟,10月6-7日,2011.
  8. 常盤達司,ジミン・レフ,石塚智,藤井正美,大和田祐二,井上貴雄,鈴木倫保,山川烈,“低侵襲治療用凍結プローブの性能評価と動物実験による機能検証”,生体医工学シンポジウム2011,2-7-6, 長野, 9月16日-17日, 2011.
  9. 常盤達司,ジミン・レフ,井上貴雄,藤井正美,石塚智,大和田祐二,鈴木倫保,山川烈,“熱電対付き凍結プローブの開発と動物実験による機能検証”, 第26回 生体・生理工学シンポジウム,京都, pp. 325-329, 9月20日-22日, 2011.
  10. 西岡龍太,常盤達司,堀尾恵一,藤井正美,鈴木倫保,山川烈,“獲得データ数に制限のある多様なシステムの効率的学習とそのてんかん原性域推定への応用”,Fuzzy System Symposium(FSS2011),MF2-1,福井, 9月12-14日,2011.
  11. 今里浩子,山川烈,“Method for Measuring the Specific Gravity of a Particle to Calculate Its Dielectrophoretic Force”,バイオメディカル・ファジィシステム学会,山口, 10月29日,2011.
  12. 江口正徳,今里浩子,山川烈,“Separation of Particles by Combining Dielectrophoresis and Traveling-wave Electroosmosis under Inclined Gravity”,バイオメディカル・ファジィシステム学会,山口, 10月29日,2011.
  1. 山川烈,バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会 功労賞(2回目) 
  1. 西日本新聞(朝刊),"難治性てんかん新治療 -後遺症のリスク軽減-" 2010年10月5日.
  2. MT Pro (株式会社メディカルトリビューン),"凍結により難治性てんかんを治療、脳の切除を伴わず -ラット実験で成功、明日始まる第45回日本てんかん学会で報告-" 2011年10月5日.
  3. あなたの健康百科,"難治性てんかんに新治療、患者の負担少ない手術 -九州工業大などが開発-" 2011年10月5日.

[基調講演、Plenary Talk]
  1. 山川 烈, "最先端てんかん根治療法を目指して," 小倉中央ロータリークラブ例会, リーガロイヤルホテル小倉, 2010年3月8日.
  2. 山川 烈, "日常の言葉で科学するファジィ -臨床検査ファジィシステムの可能性-," 第20回日本臨床検査専門医会 春季大会, 北九州国際会議場, 2010年6月5日.
  3. Takeshi Yamakawa, "Minimally Invasive Surgery for Epilepsy with Low Risk of Residual Disability -Interim Report-," Second International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics (ISII2010), Bohai Pearl Hotel Dalian, September 5, 2010.
  4. Takeshi Yamakawa, "A Challenge to Minimally Invasive Surgery for Epilepsy," World Automation Congress 2010 (WAC2010), 神戸国際会議場, September 21, 2010.
  5. Takeshi Yamakawa, "The Dielectrophoretic Force Induced on Single Biological Cell in the Liquid and Its Application to Separation of Cells,"ICICIC2010, 中国 西安, December 20, 2010.
  1. Yuya Hirayama, Satoru Ishizuka, Zimin Lev Grigorievich, Takeshi Yamakawa, Toshitaka Yamakawa, "Investigation of the mechanism of polar excitations on frog sciatic nerve by optical stimulation," Advanced Materials Research, April, 19, 2011.
  2. Masanori Eguchi, Toshitaka Yamakawa, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Separation of Particles Employing Travelling-Wave Electrokinetic Phenomena and Inclined Gravity," Advanced Materials Research, April, 19, 2011.
  3. 江口正憲,今里浩子,山川烈, "血中細胞の同定を目指したシーリング・クリープギャップ電極における正の誘電泳動絵移動力の測定," バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会誌, 2010.
  4. Hiroshi Fujioka, Masami Fujii, Hiroyasu Koizumi, Eiichi Suehiro, Sadahiro Nomura, Hirochika Imoto, Takashi Saito, Takeshi Yamakawa, Michiyasu Suzuki, "An implantable, focal brain cooling device for epilepsy therapy: An animal and clinical investigation," Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol.121, S157-S158, 2010.
  1. Hiroko Imasato and Takeshi Yamakawa "Dielectrophoretic Cell Separation for Clinical Laboratory Automation," The 7th Cherry Blossom Symposium International Conference of Clinical Laboratory Automation and Robotics, Yokohama, JAPAN, April, 16-17, 2010.
  2. Masanori Eguchi, Toshitaka Yamakawa, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Separation of Particles Employing Travelling-Wave Electrokinetic Phenomena and Inclined Gravity," Inter-Academia 2010, pp.146-147, Riga(ラトビア),August, 2010.
  3. Yuya Hirayama, Satoru Ishizuka, Zimin Lev Grigorievich, Takeshi Yamakawa, Toshitaka Yamakawa, "Investigation of the mechanism of polar excitations on frog sciatic nerve by optical stimulation," Inter-Academia 2010, pp.156-157, Riga(ラトビア),August, 2010.
  4. Zimin Lev Grigorievich, Takeshi Yamakawa , "Cryogenic Probe for Brain Surgery," The 4th Asian Epilepsy Surgery Congress (AESC2010), Taipei, September, 4-5, 2010.
  5. Tatsuji Tokiwa, Keiichi Horio, Satoru Ishizuka, Yuichi Maruta, Masami Fujii, Michiyasu Suzuki and Takeshi Yamakawa "The First Step for Identification of Epileptogenic Focus by Employing Softcomputing," The 4th Asian Epilepsy Surgery Congress (AESC2010), Taipei, September, 4-5, 2010.
  6. Yuya Hirayama, Satoru Ishizuka, Zimin Lev Grigorievich, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Inhibition of Epileptic Seizures on Rat Hippocampal Slice Using Laser Irradiation," The 4th Asian Epilepsy Surgery Congress (AESC2010), Taipei, September, 4-5, 2010.
  7. Takeshi Yamakawa, Hiroaki Koga, Satoru Ishizuka, Zimin Lev Grigorievich, "Cell Necrotization in Rat Brain by the Cryogenetic Microprobe," The 4th Asian Epilepsy Surgery Congress (AESC2010), Taipei, September, 4-5, 2010.
  8. MASANORI EGUCHI, HIROKO IMASATO, TAKESHI YAMAKAWA, "Measurement of Propulsion Force on Particles under Travelling-wave Electric Fields," World Automation Congress 2010 (WAC2010), Kobe, Japan, September,20, 2010.
  9. HIROKO IMASATO, TAKESHI YAMAKAWA, "Separation of Leukemia Cells from Blood by Emplying Dielectrophoresis," World Automation Congress 2010 (WAC2010), Kobe, Japan, September,20, 2010.
  10. Masami Fuji, Hiroshi Fujioka, Takayuki Oku, Nobuhiro Tanaka, Hiroaki Imoto, Yuichi Maruta, Sadahiro Nomura, Joji Uchiyama, Takashi Saito, Takeshi Yamakawa, Michiyasu Suzuki, "Effect of Focal Brain Cooling on Epileptiform Discharges in Rat," World Automation Congress 2010 (WAC2010), Kobe, Japan, September,21, 2010.
  11. Hiroshi Fujioka, Masami Fuji, Hiroyasu Kozumi, Sadahiro Nomura, Hirochika Imoto, Takao Inoue, Takashi Saito, Takeshi Yamakawa, Michiyasu Suzuki, "Focal Brain Cooling for the Treatment of Epilepsy: Laboratory and Clinical Investigation ," World Automation Congress 2010 (WAC2010), Kobe, Japan, September,21, 2010.
  12. Yuya Hirayama, Satoru Ishizuka, Zimin Lev Grigorievich, Michiyasu Suzuki, Masami Fujii, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Disappearance of epileptic seizures on rat hippocampal slices using laser irradiation," World Automation Congress 2010 (WAC2010), Kobe, Japan, September,21, 2010.
  13. Satoru Ishizuka, Hiroaki Koga, Zimin Lev Grigorievich, Michiyasu Suzuki, Masami Fujii, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Cell Necrotization in Rat Brain by the Cryogenic Probe," World Automation Congress 2010 (WAC2010), Kobe, Japan, September,21, 2010.
  14. Zimin Lev Grigorievich, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Cryogenic Probe for Brain Surgery," World Automation Congress 2010 (WAC2010), Kobe, Japan, September,21, 2010.
  15. Tatsuji Tokiwa, Satoru Ishizuka, Keiichi Horio, Masami Fujii, Michiyasu Suzuki and Takeshi Yamakawa, "Signal Source Localization by Using Self-Organizing Relationship Network," World Automation Congress 2010 (WAC2010), Kobe, Japan, September,21, 2010.
  16. Toshitaka Yamakawa, Takeshi Yamakawa, Shuji Aou, Satoru Ishizuka, Michiyasu Suzuki, and Masami Fujii, "Subdural Electrode Array Manipulated by a Shape Memory Alloy Guidewire for Minimally-invasive Electrocorticogram Recording," World Automation Congress 2010 (WAC2010), Kobe, Japan, September,21, 2010.
  17. Lev Zimin, "New Micro Cryogenic Probe as New Facilities for Brain Surgery," American Epilepsy Society 2010, Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center(テキサス), December, 4, 2010.
  1. 江口正徳,今里浩子,山川烈,"進行波誘電泳動力の斜面重力による測定," 第22回バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集, 岡山,pp. 283, 1月9-10日,2010.
  2. 今里浩子,山川烈,"クリーク・ギャップ電極で白血球に生じる誘電泳動力の測定," 第22回バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集, 岡山,pp. 284, 1月9-10日,2010.
  3. 常盤達司,石塚智,堀尾恵一,山川烈,"自己組織化関係ネットワークを用いた信号源推定に関する検討," Neuro2010, 神戸, 9月3日, 2010.
  4. 山川俊貴,山川烈,石塚智,粟生修司,藤井正美,鈴木倫保,"形状記憶合金ガイドを用いた低侵襲頭蓋内脳波センサ," 第26回ファジィシステムシンポジウム, 広島, 9月15日,2010.
  5. 藤岡裕士, 藤井正美,野村貞宏,井本浩哉,小泉博靖,末廣栄一,山川俊貴,斉藤俊,梶原浩司,大和田祐二,山川烈,鈴木倫保, "脳の温度制御による治療について:医療機器開発の最先端から," 第26回ファジィシステムシンポジウム, 広島, 9月15日,2010.
  6. 丸田 雄一,藤井正美,井本浩哉,野村貞宏,藤岡裕士,松重武志,市山高志,山川俊貴,山川烈,鈴木倫保, "てんかん患者に対する光トポグラフィーの有効性:先端医用光学技術の臨床応用," 第26回ファジィシステムシンポジウム, 広島, 9月15日,2010.
  7. 平山祐哉,石塚智,ジミンレフグリゴリエビッチ,山川烈,"ホルミウムヤグレーザー照射による カエル坐骨神経の光刺激と信号伝播機能の塑性破壊," 第26回ファジィシステムシンポジウム, 広島, 9月15日,2010.
  8. 常盤達司,堀尾恵一,石塚智,丸田雄一,藤井正美,鈴木倫保,山川烈, "SORネットワークを用いた信号源推定に関する考察," 第26回ファジィシステムシンポジウム, 広島, 9月15日,2010.
  9. 江口正徳,今里浩子,山川烈, "シーリング・クリークギャップ電極における正の誘電泳動力の測定と白血病細胞分離への応用," 第23回バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会年次大会, 福岡, 10月9日,2010.
  10. 今里浩子,山川烈,"誘電泳動による白血病細胞と正常白血球の分離," 第23回バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会年次大会, 福岡, 10月9日,2010.
  11. 山川烈,鈴木倫保,大和田祐二,藤井正美,石塚智,堀尾恵一,常盤達司,野村貞宏, 粟生修司,井上貴雄,平山裕哉,古賀裕章, "特別推進研究『ソフトコンピューティング技術による「てんかん」原性域の特定と低侵襲治療法の確立』 (H20年度〜H23年度)−中間報告−," 第23回バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会年次大会, 福岡,10月9日,2010.
  12. 常盤達司,石塚智,堀尾恵一,藤井正美,丸田雄一,鈴木倫保,山川烈, "ソフトコンピューティング技術を用いた信号源推定法に関する考察," 第44回日本てんかん学会, 岡山, 10月14日,2010.
  13. 平山祐哉,石塚智,ジミンレフグリゴリエビッチ,山川烈,藤井正美,鈴木倫保, "パルスレーザー照射によるカエル坐骨神経の光刺激と機能破壊に関する調査," 第44回日本てんかん学会, 岡山, 10月15日,2010.
  14. 山川俊貴,山川烈,粟生修司,石塚智,藤井正美,鈴木倫保, "形状記憶合金ガイドを用いた低侵襲で留置可能な硬膜下電極アレイによるサルの体性感覚誘導電位," 第44回日本てんかん学会, 岡山, 10月15日,2010.
  15. 山川烈, 古賀裕章,石塚智,ジミンレフグリゴリエビッチ,藤井正美, "マイクロ冷却プローブを用いたラット脳細胞壊死," 第44回日本てんかん学会, 岡山, 10月15日,2010.
  1. Masanori Eguchi and Takeshi Yamakawa, "Measurement of Travelling-Wave Dielectrophoretic Force by Employing Inclined Gravity," East-Asia Inter-University Workshop on Brain Engineering (EAW'10), March, 3-5, Daegu, Korea, pp.135-146, 2010.
  2. Tatsuji Tokiwa, Hideaki Misawa, Keiichi Horio, Satoru Ishizuka, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Signal Source Localization by using Subthreshold Stimulations in Rat Brain," East-Asia Inter-University Workshop on Brain Engineering (EAW'10), March, 3-5, Daegu, Korea, pp.203, 2010.
  3. Yuya Hirayama, Takeshi Yamakawa, Satoru Ishizuka, Zimin Lev Grigorievich, Toshitaka Yamakawa, "Irreversible Blocking of Polar Excitations on Frog Sciatic Nerve Using Semiconductor Pulse Laser Irradiation," East-Asia Inter-University Workshop on Brain Engineering (EAW'10), March, 3-5, Daegu,Korea, pp.204, 2010.
  1. 江口 正徳, バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会奨励賞, 2010年10月.
  2. Toshitaka Yamakawa, Takeshi Yamakawa, Shuji Aou, Satoru Ishizuka, Michiyasu Suzuki, Masami Fujii,"Best Paper Award 2nd Place,,"World Automation Congress 2010, September, 2010.
    ("Subdural Electrode Array Manipulated by a Shape Memory Alloy Guidewire for Minimally -invasive Electrocorticogram Recording")
  3. Takeshi Yamakawa, World Automation Congress Medal of Honor (WAC名誉賞), 2010年9月21日 .
  1. 西日本新聞(朝刊),"白血病 電流で発見 北九州の研究グループ 新技術 微量血液 正確に判定,," 2010年3月8日.


[基調講演、Plenary Talk]
  1. 山川 烈, "遥かなるディジタルの海を越えて," 明専会東京支部春季講演会, 九州工業大学東京センター, 2009年3月14日.
  2. (Biomedical Wellness Award受賞講演)
  3. 山川 烈, "遥かなるディジタルの海を越えて," 福岡中原クラブ3月例会, 電気ビル本館, 2009年3月18日.
  4. Takeshi Yamakawa, "Development of minimally invasive surgery for intractable epilepsy," SPIE2009, April 13-17, 2009.
  5. 山川 烈, "遥かなるディジタルの海を越えて," 明専会中部支部総会, 名古屋東急ホテル, 2009年6月6日.
  6. 山川 烈, "難治性てんかんと戦う医工連携CADETプロジェクト," 福岡ロータリークラブ例会, ホテルオークラ福岡, 2009年6月8日.
  7. Takeshi Yamakawa, "Identification of Epileptogenic Focus by Employing Softcomputing and Establishment of Minimally Invasive and Definitive Surgery," The 3rd edition of the International Conference of Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI2009), Pitesti, Romania, July 2-5, 2009.
  8. 山川 烈, "遥かなるディジタルの海を越えて," 第25回ファジィシステムシンポジウム, 筑波大学, 2009年7月14-16日.
  9. Takeshi Yamakawa, "An Oscillator Network with High-Designability and Its Application to Gait Generation for Multi-legged Locomotion," The Second International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics(ISII2009), QinHuangDao(秦皇島大酒店), China, September 13-15, 2009.
  10. Takeshi Yamakawa, "Development of Advanced Epilepsy Treatment - Exodus from Loss of Awareness -," The 19th Intelligent System Symposium IWAC2009/FAN2009(FAN2009), Aizu University, September 17-18, 2009.
  11. Takeshi Yamakawa, "Development of Minimally Invasive and Definitive Surgery for Epilepsy,"Spanish-Japanese Symposium on Frontier Technologies: Realities and Challenges in Information and Communication Technologies,University of Granada (スペイン) , November 24-26, 2009
  12. Takeshi Yamakawa, "Measurement of Dielectrophoretic Force (Femto-Newton) Generated on a Small Particle and Potential Application to Identification, Separation and Handling of Blood Cells ,"Spanish-Japanese Symposium on Frontier Technologies: Realities and Challenges in Information and Communication Technologies,University of Granada(スペイン) , November 24-26, 2009
  13. Takeshi Yamakawa, "Minimally Invasive Surgery for Drug-resistant Epilepsy,"The 10th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference, 北九州国際会議場 , December 14-16, 2009
  1. Yuya Hirayama, Takeshi Yamakawa, Satoru Ishizuka, Zimin Lev Grigorievich, Toshitaka Yamakawa, "Irreversible Blocking of Polar Excitations on Frog Sciatic Nerve Using Semiconductor Pulse Laser Irradiation," Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems, vol.3, no.4, pp.210-212, 2009.
  2. Toshitaka Yamakawa, Takeshi Yamakawa, Michiyasu Suzuki and Masami Fujii, "Epileptogenic ECoG Monitoring and Brain Stimulation Using a Multifunctional Microprobe for Minimally Invasive Brain Microsurgery," Advances in Neuro-Information Processing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5506/2009, pp.369-376, July, 2009.
  3. Toshitaka Yamakawa, Takeshi Yamakawa, Satoru Ishizuka, Zimin Lev Grigorievich, Michiyasu Suzuki and Masami Fujii, "Epileptic Burst measurement Using Microelectrodes Equipped On A Cryogenic Microprobe for Minimally Invasive Brain Surgery of Intractable Epilepsy Treatment," Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp.76-79, Sep. 2009.
  4. Tatsuji Tokiwa and Takeshi Yamakawa, "Central Pattern Generator Network with High Controllability for Tripod Gait Generator and Its Application," Journal of Signal Processing, Vol.13, No.6, pp.477-485, 2009.
  5. Tatsuji Tokiwa and Takeshi Yamakawa, "Central Pattern Generator Network with Adaptability to Changing Situations, " Journal of Signal Processing, Vol.13, No.4, pp. 315-318, July 2009. (Selected Paper)
  6. H. Morita, E. Uchino and T. Yamakawa, "Markov Model Based Adaptive Web Advertisement System by Tracking a User's Taste,," International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol.5, No.2, pp.811-819, 2009.
  7. Satoshi Sonoh, Keiichi Horio, Shuji Aou and Takeshi Yamakawa, "An Emotional Expression Model Inspired by the Amygdala,," International Journal of Innovative Computing,Information and Control, vol.5, no.5, pp.1147-1160, 2009.
  8. Tomokazu Hiratsuka, Keiichi Horio, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Surface Roughness Measurement Using Shadows Produced by Circulating Light Sources," New Mathematics and Natural Computations (NMNC), Vol.5,No.1, pp.335-352, 2009.
  1. Tatsuji Tokiwa and Takeshi Yamakawa, "A Central Pattern Generator Network with Adaptability to Changing Situations," 2009 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing(NCSP'09), Hawaii, USA, March, 1-3, 2009. (Student Paper Award)
  2. Yuya Hirayama, Takeshi Yamakawa, Satoru Ishizuka, "Plasticity Destruction of Polar Excitations in Frog Sciatic Nerve Using Semiconductor Pulse Laser Irradiation," East-Asia Inter-University Workshop on Brain Engineering 2009 (EAW'09), March, 9-11, Fukuoka, pp.180-189, 2009.
  3. Yuya Hirayama,Takeshi Yamakawa, Satoru Ishizuka, Zimin Lev Grigorievich, "Plastic Dysfunction of Polar Excitations on Frog Sciatic Nerve Using Semiconductor Pulse Laser Irradiation," International Workshop on Advanced Epilepsy Treatment (CADET 2009), March, 28-30, Fukuoka, pp.317-326, 2009.
  4. Yuya Hirayama, Takeshi Yamakawa, Satoru Ishizuka, Zimin Lev Grigorievich,"Plastic Dysfunction of Polar Excitations on Frog Sciatic Nerve Using Semiconductor Pulse Laser Irradiation,"The 3rd Asian Epilepsy Surgery Congress, June, 18-19,Osaka, pp.57, 2009.
  5. Yuya Hirayama, Satoru Ishizuka, Zimin Lev Grigorievich, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Plasticity Destruction of Polar Excitations in Frog Sciatic Nerve Using Semiconductor Pulse Laser Irradiation," 28th International Epilepsy Congress, June 28 - July 2,Budapest,Hungary, pp.85, 2009.
  1. Tatsuji Tokiwa and Takeshi Yamakawa, "An oscillator network with high-designability," Proceedings of International workshop on robotics for young researchers(HUROBINT@MIT 2nd), p.11, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA, March, 4-5, 2009.
  2. Tomokazu Hiratsuka, Keiichi Horio, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Surface Roughness Measurement Using Shadows Produced by Circulating Light Sources," Proceedings of East-Asia Inter-University Workshop on BrainEngineering 2009 (EAW'2009) ,Kyushu Institute of Technology,Kitakyushu, Japan, p.229, March 9-11, 2009.
  3. Satoshi Sonoh and Takeshi Yamakawa, "A Brain Inspired Emotional Expression System:Toward Realization of Natural Human-Robot Interaction," Proc. of East-Asia Inter-University Workshop on Brain Engineering 2009 (EAW'09), p.190, Kitakyushu, March 9-11, 2009.
  1. 今里浩子,山川 烈,"クリークギャップ電極における誘電泳動力の過渡応答に関する考察," 第21回バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集,札幌,pp. 373-374, 1月23-24日,2009.
  2. 常盤 達司,山川 烈,"Van der Pol方程式の目的に応じた簡便な変更法の提案," 第22回 回路とシステム軽井沢ワークショップ, 軽井沢,pp. 274-279, 4月20-21日,2009.
  3. 常盤 達司,山川 烈,"六脚ロボット"Yamac-H"の開発 -制御性に優れたCPG networkとその応用-," 第21回 ロボティクス・ メカトロニクス公演会2009(ROBOMEC 2009),福岡,2P1-C02 (1-4), 5月24-26日,2009.
  1. Takeshi Yamakawa, IEEE Fellowship Award(米国電気電子学会 フェロー賞), January 1, 2009.
  2. Tatsuji Tokiwa and Takeshi Yamakawa,"NCSP'09 Student Paper Award," March,2009.
  3. Yuya Hirayama, Young Researchers Award, Inter-Academia2009, 2009.
  4. Takeshi Yamakawa, SPIE2009 Wellness Award, April 13, 2009.
  5. 古賀崇了, 堀尾恵一, 升井一朗, 山川烈, 日本知能情報ファジィ学会 論文賞, 「良否を含む顎矯正手術事例の自己組織化学習による集約とその手術計画立案への援用」, Vol.20, No.1, pp.41-52, 2009年9月7日.


[基調講演、Plenary Talk]
  1. Takeshi Yamakawa,"Identification of Epileptogenic Focus by Employing Softcomputing and Establishment of Minimally Invasive and Definitive Surgery,,"The 2008 International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics (ISII2008), Kumamoto, Japan, December 12-14,2008.
  2. 山川 烈,"脳にヒントを得たモデリングツール-SORネットワークとその応用,," 第1回日本計算工学会研究会, 建築会館会議場, 東京, 12月5日,2008.
  3. 山川 烈,"最先端科学を育てる-マルチタレント英才教育-," 第31回情報・システム・利用・技術シンポジウム(日本建築学会),建築会館ホール, 東京, 12月4-5日, 2008.
  4. Takeshi Yamakawa,"Localization of Epileptogenic Focus by Employing Softcomputing and Minimally Invasive Surgery,," The 15th International Conference on Neural Information Processing of the Asia-Pacific Neural Network Assembly (ICONIP2008), Auckland, NZ, November 25-28, 2008.
  5. Takeshi Yamakawa,"Minimally Invasive Surgery for Permanent Cure of Epilepsy,"Postech-Kyutech Joint Workshop, Kyushu Institute of Technology,August 25-27,2008.
  6. Takeshi Yamakawa,"Bio-Inspired Self-Organizing Relationship Network as Knowledge Acquisition Tool and Fuzzy Inference Engine,," The 2008 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI2008),Hong Kong,June 1-6,2008.
  7. 山川 烈,"ファジィ理論の理学療法への応用,"第43日本理学療法学術大会, 福岡国際会議場1階ロビー,2008年5月17日.
  8. 山川 烈,"意のままに動かす-車、馬、人," 国際経営塾定例会,アクロス福岡,pp. 274-279, 4月20-21日,2008.
  1. H.Imasato and Takeshi Yamakawa, "Measurement of Dielectrophoretic Force by employing Controllable Gravitational Force," Journal of Electrophoresis,vol.52,no.1,pp.1-8,2008.
  2. Tomokazu Hiratsuka, Hakaru Tamukoh, Keiichi Horio, Takeshi Yamakawa "A Novel Selection Circuit Based on Rough Comparison Method for Genetic Algorithms Hardware" IEEJ Trans. EIS, Vol,128, No.3, pp.352-362, 2008.
  3. Naoki Shimo, Shaoning Pang, Nikola Kasabov, Takeshi Yamakawa "Curiosity-Driven Multi-Agent Competitive and Cooperative LDA Learning," International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information & Control, vol.4, no.7, pp.1537-1552, 2008.
  4. 古賀 崇了,堀尾 恵一,升井 一朗,山川 烈 "良否を含む顎矯正手術事例の自己組織化学習による集約とその手術計画立案への援用," 日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌,Vol.20, No.1, pp.41-52, 2008.
  5. Tatsuji Tokiwa and Takeshi Yamakawa, "Central Pattern Generator network model with independent controllability," Journal of Signal Processing, pp.441-448, Vol.12, No.6, Nov., 2008.
  2. Keiichi Horio, Naoki Shimo, Hakaru Tamukoh, Takanori Koga, Satoshi Sonoh and Takeshi Yamakawa, "Diversive and Specific Curiosities for Effective Learning," Proc. of Joint 4rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 8th International Symposium on advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS & ISIS 2008), pp.1912-1915, Nagoya, JAPAN, Sep. 18-21, 2008.
  3. Satoshi Sonoh, Keiichi Horio, Hakaru Tamukoh, Takanori Koga, Naoki Shimo, and Takeshi Yamakawa, "An implementation of intrinsic emotions on an autonomous robot with the emotional expression model of amygdala,," Proc. of Joint 4rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 8th International Symposium on advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS & ISIS 2008), pp.1894-1899, Nagoya, JAPAN, Sep. 18-21, 2008.
  4. Tatsuji Tokiwa and Takeshi Yamakawa, "Automatic generation method of some locomotion signals in a CPG network," 2008 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and it's Applications (NOLTA'08), pp. 680-683, Budapest, Hungary, Sep., 7-10, 2008.
  5. Satoshi Sonoh and Takeshi Yamakawa, "Emotional Expression Model Inspired by the Amygdala," Proceedings of the 8th POSTECH-KYUTECH Joint Workshop on Neuroinformatics,pp.69-70, Kitakyushu, August 25-27 2008.
  6. Tomokazu Hiratsuka, Keiichi Horio, Takeshi Yamakawa, Proceedings of The 8th POSTECH-KYUTECH Joint Workshop on Neuroinformatics, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu, Japan,pp.65-66, Aug. 25-26,2008.
  7. Hiroko Imasato and Takeshi Yamakawa, "Measurement of Dielectrophoretic Force by employing Controllable Gravitational Force," The 6th Cherry Blossom Symposium International Conference of Clinical Laboratory Automation and Robotics, Kobe, JAPAN, April, 18-19, 2008 (Best Paper Award).
  8. Tatsuji Tokiwa and Takeshi Yamakawa, "Central Pattern Generator network model with independent controllability," 2008 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP'08), Gold Coast, Australia, March, 6-8, 2008.
  9. Kenji Kudo, Hakaru Tamukoh, Takanori Koga, Rika Sato, Masatoshi Sekine and Takeshi Yamakawa, "A Novel Vector Quantization Circuit Employing Rough-Winner-Take-All Self-Organizing Neural Network Implemented on Hardware/Software Complex System," International Symposium on Management Engineering 2008.
  1. 今里 浩子,山川 烈,"生体細胞の同定・分離・ハンドリングに適した誘電泳動力の測定法," バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会第21回年次大会講演論文集,高知,pp. 76-79,10月11-12日,2008.
  2. 常盤 達司,Michael G. Paulin,山川 烈,"交互三点支持歩行を生成する数理モデルの構築," 第20回 ロボティクス・ メカトロニクス公演会2008(ROBOMEC 2008),長野,pp. 1A1-E01(1)-(4), 6月05-07日,2008.
  3. 常盤 達司,山川 烈,"制御性に優れたCentral Pattern Generator Networkの提案," 第21回 回路とシステム軽井沢ワークショップ,軽井沢, pp. 17-22, 4月21-22日,2008.
  4. 下 尚紀,Shaoning Pang,堀尾 恵一,Nikola Kasabov,田向 権,古賀 崇了,園尾 聡,磯貝 浩之,山川 烈, "拡散的好奇心と特殊的好奇心による効果的適応学習,"電子情報通信学会2008年総合大会,北九州市,3月18-21日,2008.
  5. 園尾 聡,粟生 修司,堀尾 恵一,田向 権,古賀 崇了,下 尚紀,山川 烈,"扁桃体モデルによる情動発現," 電子情報通信学会2008年総合大会,北九州市,3月18-21日,2008.
  1. Tatsuji Tokiwa Best Presentation Award (The 8th POSTECH-KYUTECH Joint Workshop On Neuroinformatics, July 27, 2008)
  2. Hiroko Imasato and Takeshi Yamakawa Best Paper Award (The 6th Cherry Blossom Symposium International Conference of Clinical Laboratory Automation and Robotics, April 18-19, 2008)
  3. Takeshi Yamakawa, IEEE 2008 Fuzzy Systems Pioneer Award, June 2, 2008.
  4. 園尾 聡 2008年IEEE 福岡支部学生研究奨励賞(第 8 回)
  5. 常盤 達司 2008年IEEE 福岡支部学生研究奨励賞(第 8 回)


  1. Hirohisa Isogai, Naoki Shimo, Keiichi Horio, Hakaru Tamukoh, Satoshi Sonoh, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Autonomous Decision with Curiosity and Dynamic Goal Setting," International Congress Series : Brain-Inspired IT III. Invited and selected papers of the 3rd International Conference on Brain-Inspired Information Technology "BrainIT 2006", vol.1301, pp.60-63, 2007.
  2. Hakaru Tamukoh, Keiichi Horio, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Membership function generator based on bit-shift operation for self-organizing relationship (SOR) network," International Congress Series : Brain-Inspired IT III. Invited and selected papers of the 3rd International Conference on Brain-Inspired Information Technology "BrainIT 2006", vol.1301, pp.180-183, 2007.
  3. Tomokazu Hiratsuka, Hakaru Tamukoh, Keiichi Horio, Takeshi Yamakawa, "A new selection circuit based on rough comparison method for GA hardware," International Congress Series : Brain-Inspired IT III. Invited and selected papers of the 3rd International Conference on Brain-Inspired Information Technology "BrainIT 2006", vol.1301, pp.298-301, 2007.
  1. Hakaru Tamukoh, Keiichi Horio and Takeshi Yamakawa "A bit-shifting-based fuzzy inference for self-organizing relationship (SOR) network," IEICE Electronics Express, vol. 4, No.2, pp.60-65, 2007.
  2. Ryosuke Kubota, Keiichi Horio and Takeshi Yamakawa, "Binary Self-Organizing Map with Modified Updating Rule and Its Application to Reproduction of Genetic Algorithm," IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems, Vol.E90-D, No.1, pp.382-383, 2007.
  3. Hideaki Misawa, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Matching Parameter Optimization in Self-Organizing Relationship (SOR) Network by Employing Energy Functions," Neural Information Processing - Letters and Reviews, Vol.11, No.9, pp.195-202, 2007.
  1. Tatsuji Tokiwa and Takeshi Yamakawa "Modified Van der Pol Oscillators for Hardware Design," RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing(NCSP'07), 2007.
  2. Hiroshi Shinohara, Keiichi Horio and Takeshi Yamakawa "Bankruptcy Distinction Based on Financial Statements of Past Few Years and Visual Analysis," Proc. of International Symposium on Management Engineering(ISME'07), 2007.
  3. Hideaki Misawa, Takeshi Yamakawa "An Energy Function-Based Optimization of Matching Parameters and Reference Vectors in SOR Network," Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (WSOM 2007), 2007.
  4. Satoshi Sonoh, Shuji Aou, Keiichi Horio, Hakaru Tamukoh, Takanori Koga, Naoki Shimo and Takeshi Yamakawa "Emotional behavior and expression based on a neural network model of amygdala" Abstract of the 4th International Conference on Brain-Inspired Information Technology(BrainIT 2007), p.36, 2007.
  5. Satoshi Sonoh, Shuji Aou, Keiichi Horio, Hakaru Tamukoh, Takanori Koga, Naoki Shimo, Ryota Nishioka, Mitsuru Doi and Takeshi Yamakawa "Training your animal-like robot by yourself: Hardware implementation of amygdala model" Abstract of the 4th International Conference on Brain-Inspired Information Technology(BrainIT 2007), p.74, 2007. (Demonstration)
  6. Naoki Shimo, Shaoning Pang, Keiichi Horio, Nikola Kasabov, Hakaru Tamukoh, Takanori Koga, Satoshi Sonoh, Hirohisa Isogai and Takeshi Yamakawa "Effective and Adaptive Learning based on Diversive/Specific Curiosity," Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Brain-Inspired Information Technology (BrainIT2007), 2007.
  7. Naoki Shimo, Shaoning Pang, Keiichi Horio, Nikola Kasabov, Hakaru Tamukoh, Takanori Koga, Satoshi Sonoh, Hirohisa Isogai and Takeshi Yamakawa "The Robot Stealing the Characteristic Behavior out of the Partner" Abstract of the 4th International Conference on Brain-Inspired Information Technology(BrainIT 2007), p.75, 2007. (Demonstration)
  8. Naoki Shimo, Shaoning Pang, Nikola Kasabov, Takeshi Yamakawa "Curiosity-driven Multi-Agent LDA Learning System for rapid learning," Proceedings of the 7th POSTECH-KYUTECH Joint Workshop on Neuroinformatics, pp.45-46, Pohang, August 2007.
  9. Hakaru Tamukoh, Takanori Koga, Keiichi Horio and Takeshi Yamakawa "Rough-Winner-Take-All Self-Organizing Neural Network for Hardware Oriented Vector Quantization Algorithm," Proceedings of the 50th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS 2007), pp.349-352, Montreal, August 2007.
  10. Takanori Koga, Keiichi Horio, Ichiro Masui and Takeshi Yamakawa "Summarization and Visualization Tool for Orthognathic Surgery Planning," Proceedings of International Conference on Soft Computing and Human Sciences (SCHS2007), pp.113-118, Kitakyushu, August 2007.
  1. 今里 浩子, 山川 烈 "重力を利用した誘電泳動力の測定方法," 第18回バイオフロンティア講演会, pp.89-90, 2007.
  2. 堀尾 恵一, 古賀 崇了, 山川 烈 "グラフを用いた非線形な距離測度に基づく自己組織化マップ," 第3回人工頭脳工学シンポジウム講演論文集, pp.50-51, 2007.
  3. 古賀 崇了, 堀尾 恵一, 升井 一朗, 山川 烈 "自己組織化関係ネットワークによるファジィIf-Thenルールの抽出および可視化," 第3回人工頭脳工学シンポジウム講演論文集, pp.52-53, 2007.
  4. 古賀 崇了, 堀尾 恵一, 升井 一朗, 山川 烈 "自己組織化関係ネットワークによる知識発見の試み," 第8回自己組織化マップ研究会講演論文集, pp.35-37, 2007.
  5. 堀尾 恵一, 古賀 崇了, 山川 烈 "データ分布を利用した距離測度に基づく自己組織化マップ," 第8回自己組織化マップ研究会講演論文集, pp.5-7,2007.
  6. 園尾 聡 "九州工業大学21世紀COEプログラムにおけるマルチタレント英才教育," 第23回 ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集,pp.311-312,2007.
  7. 三澤 秀明, 山川 烈 "自己組織化関係ネットワークにおけるエネルギー関数を用いたマッチングパラメータと参照ベクトルの調整," 第23回 ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集,pp.403-406,2007.


  1. Takanori KOGA, Keiichi HORIO and Takeshi YAMAKAWA, "Learning of Self-Organizing Relationship (SOR) Network employing the soft-max adaptation rule of Neural Gas Network," in "International Congress Series: Brain-Inspired IT II," K. Ishii, K. Natsume and A. Hanazawa (Eds.), Elsevier Science, pp.165-168, 2006.
  2. R.Kubota, K. Horio, and T. Yamakawa, "Genetic Algorithm with Modified Reproduction Strategy Based on Self-Organizing Map and Usable Schema,"International Congress Series 1291: Brain-Inspired IT II, Kazuo Ishii, Kiyohisa Natsume and Akitoshi Hanazawa (Eds), pp.169-172, Elsevier Science, Jun. 2006.
  1. Kirmene Marzouki, Takeshi Yamakawa "Interactive adaptation/correction behavior by involving SOM interna structure in learning process," International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control Vol.2, No.2, pp.411-426, 2006.
  2. Masaaki Iwasaki and Takeshi Yamakawa "Insect vision inspired visual sensor employing new collision avoidance algorithm based on collision possibility of approaching object," International Journal of Knowledge-based and Intelligent Engineering Systems Vol.10, No.1, pp. 67-81, 2006.
  3. Takanori Koga, Keiichi Horio, Takeshi Yamakawa "The Self-Organizing Relationship (SOR) network employing fuzzy inference based heuristic evaluation," Neural Networks(Special Issue), Vol.19, pp.799-811, 2006.
  4. T. Aso, N. Suetake and T. Yamakawa "A Weighted Linear Extrapolation-based Simple Image Enlargement Algorithm," Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, Vol.12, No.3, pp.345-353, 2006.
  1. Takeshi Yamakawa and Keiichi Horio and Masaharu Hoshino "Self-Organizing Map with Input Data Represented as Graph," Proc. of 13 th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2006), pp.907-914, 2006.
  2. Takeshi Yamakawa and Keiichi Horio and Takahiro Tanaka "Evaluation-Based Topology Representing Network for Accurate Learning of Self-Organizing Relationship Network," Proc. of 13 th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2006), pp.968-977, 2006.
  3. Hakaru Tamukoh and Keiichi Horio and Takeshi Yamakawa "A Digital Hardware Architecture of Self-Organizing Relationship (SOR) Network," Proc. of 13 th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2006), pp.1168-1177, 2006.
  4. Satoshi Sonoh, Keiichi Horio, Ryosuke Kubota, Takeshi Yamakawa "An improvement of Selection Strategy Using Self-Organizing Maps with Two Type Input Vectors as Reinforcer/Punisher," Proc. of Joint 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 7th International Symposium on advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS & ISIS 2006), pp.578--582, 2006.
  5. Hirohisa Isogai, Naoki Shimo, Keiichi Horio, Hakaru Tamukoh, Satoshi Sonoh, Takeshi Yamakawa "Autonomous Decision with Curiosity and Dynamic Goal Setting," Proceedings of 3nd International Conference on Brain-Inspired Information Technology (BrainIT2006), 2006.
  6. Hakaru Tamukoh, Keiichi Horio, Takeshi Yamakawa, "Membership function generator based on bit-shift operation for self-organizing relationship (SOR) network" Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Brain-Inspired Information Technology(BrainIT 2006), 2006.
  7. Tomokazu Hiratsuka, Hakaru Tamukoh, Keiichi Horio, Takeshi Yamakawa, "A New Selection Circuit Based on Rough Comparison Method for Genetic Algorithms Hardware," Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Brain-Inspired Information Technology(BrainIT 2006), 2006.
  8. Masaaki Iwasaki and Takeshi Yamakawa, "The New Estimation Method of Collision Possibility of Approaching Object by Using Fuzzy Inference with Image features," International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control(ICICIC06), pp.297-300, 2006.
  1. 山川 烈, 園尾 聡, 堀尾 恵一, 久保田 良輔, "評価値付き入力ベクトルを扱うSOMとそのGAへの応用," 第7回自己組織化マップ研究会2005講演論文集, pp.51-54 ,2006.
  2. 平塚 智一, 堀尾 恵一, 山川 烈, "粗い勝者決定アルゴリズムに基づくルーレット選択回路の設計と評価," 第2回人工頭脳工学シンポジウム講演論文集, pp.62-63, 2006.
  3. 平塚 智一, 田向 権, 堀尾 恵一, 山川 烈, "粗い比較アルゴリズムに基づくルーレット選択回路を用いたGAハードウェア," 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, NC2006-60, 2006.
  4. 坂口 俊輔,山川 烈,夏目 季代久, "ラット海馬-嗅内皮質におけるピロカルピン誘発てんかん様発火の相互抑制作用," 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, NC2006-58, 2006.
  5. 下 尚紀, 磯貝 浩久, 堀尾 恵一, 田向 権, 園尾 聡, 山川 烈, "好奇心を取り入れた行動発現モデルの最適餌場利用問題への適用," 第19回バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会年次大会講演論文集,pp.57-60,2006.
  6. 山川 烈,堀尾 恵一,田中 隆博, "重み付き入力データを用いた位相表現ネットワークによる自己組織化関係ネットワークの改善," 第22回 ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集,pp.81-86,2006.
  7. 山川 烈,堀尾 恵一,星野 雅治, "入力データ集合がグラフで表現された自己組織化マップ," 第22回 ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集,pp.77-80,2006.
  1. Takeshi Yamakawa, Distinguished Keynote Speech Award, WAC 2006 ,July, 2006.
  2. Takeshi Yamakawa, WAC 2006 Special Award (WAC 2006 特別賞), July 25, 2006.
  3. 前野仁, 山川烈, 日本知能情報ファジィ学会 論文賞, 「ファジィ理論を用いた小型船舶用適応型オートパイロット」, 日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌, Vol.17, No. 6, pp. 77-92, (2005-12), 2006年9月7日.
  4. 山川烈, 日本知能情報ファジィ学会, 業績賞, 2006年9月7日.


[特別講演,Plenary Lecture]
  1. Takeshi Yamakawa, "Applications of Brain-Inspired SOR Network to Controller Design and Knowledge Acquisition," Proc. of Workshop Self-Organizing Maps(WSOM'05).pp.687-694,5-8 Sep., Paris, France,2005.
  1. Hideaki Kawano, Keiichi Horio and Takeshi Yamakawa "Nonlinear Adaptive Manifold Self-Organizing Map and Its Application to Pose Invariant Face Recognition" IEE of Japan, Vol.125-C, No.6, pp.948-955, 2005.
  2. 堀尾 恵一, 升井 一朗, 熊本 将志, 山川 烈 "重み付き距離測度に基づく自己組織化マップによる階層型パターン分類法" 電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol.J88-D-U, No.11, pp.2260-2268, 2005.
  3. R. Kubota, K. Horio and T. Yamakawa "Reproduction Strategy Based on Self-Organizing Map for Genetic Algorithms" International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol.1, No.4, pp.595-607, 2005.
  4. 前野 仁,山川 烈 "ファジィ理論を用いた小型船舶用適応型オートパイロット" 知能と情報(日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌),Vol.17, No.6, pp.719-734, 2005.
  1. Hideaki Kawano, Keiichi Horio and Takeshi Yamakawa A Pattern Classification Method using Kernel Adaptive-Subspace Self-Organizing Map" IEEJ Trans. on Electronics, Information and Systems, Vol.125-C, No.1, pp149-150, 2005.
  2. Takeshi Yamakawa, Keiichi Horio and Satoshi Sonoh "Batch Learning of the Self-Organizing Relationship (SOR) Network" Neural Information Processing - Letters and Reviews, Vol.8, No.3, pp.31-38, September 2005.
  1. Takanori KOGA, Keiichi HORIO and Takeshi YAMAKAWA "A Controller Design Method for an Articulated Vehicle Employing Self-Organizing Relationship(SOR) Network," Proceedings of the 10th international symposium on artificial life and robotics (AROB'05), February 2005.
  2. Takanori KOGA, Keiichi HORIO and Takeshi YAMAKAWA "Applications of Brain-Inspired SOR Network to Controller Design and Knowledge Acquisition," Proc. of Workshop Self-Organizing Maps(WSOM'05),pp.687-694,5-8 Sep., Paris, France,2005. (Plenary Talk)
  3. Kirmene Marzouki, Takeshi Yamakawa "Novel Learning Algorithm Aiming at Generating a Unique Units Distribution in Standard SOM" Proc. of the Seventh International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms (ICANNGA2005), CD-ROM, March 2005.
  4. Kirmene Marzouki, Takeshi Yamakawa "Novel Algorithm for Eliminating Folding Effect in Standard SOM" Proc. of the 13th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks(ESANN2005), CD-ROM, April 2005.
  5. Ryosuke Kubota, Keiichi Horio and Takeshi Yamakawa "Binary SOM Based on Significance of Inputs and its Application to Reproduction of GA," Proceedings of Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps,pp.211-218,2005.
  6. Furukawa Tetsuo, Sonoh Satoshi, Horio Keiichi, Yamakawa Takeshi "Batch Learning Algorithm of SOM with Attractive and Repulsive Data," Proceedings of Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps,pp.413-420,2005.
  7. R. Kubota, K. Horio and T. Yamakawa "Genetic Algorithm with Modified Reproduction Strategy Based on Self-Organizing Map and Usable Schema," Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Brain-Inspired Information Technology (BrainIT2005), 2005.
  8. Takanori Koga,Keiichi Horio and Takeshi Yamakawa " Learning of SOR Network Employing the Soft-Max Adaptation Rule of Neural Gas Network" Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Brain-Inspired Information Technology (BrainIT2005), 2005.
  1. 山川 烈,堀尾 恵一,田口 直子 "複数の競合層の位相関係を考慮した自己組織化マップ" 第6回自己組織化マップ研究会講演論文集, pp.15-18, 2005.
  2. 山川 烈,堀尾 恵一,園尾 聡 "バッチ学習型自己組織化関係ネットワークの提案" 第6回自己組織化マップ研究会講演論文集, pp.35-38, 2005.
  3. 田向 権,堀尾 恵一,山川 烈 "ハードウェア化に適した改良版自己組織化関係ネットワーク" 第18回 回路とシステム軽井沢ワークショップ, pp.343-348, 2005.
  4. 山川 烈,常盤 達司 "低消費電力の電流モード2分木構造勝者決定回路" 第18回 回路とシステム軽井沢ワークショップ, pp.97-101, 2005.
  5. 山川 烈,堀尾 恵一,星野 雅治 "競合層空間がグラフで表現された自己組織化マップの高速化" 第21回 ファジィシステム シンポジウム講演論文集,pp.848-851,2005.
  6. 久保田 良輔,堀尾 恵一,山川 烈 "バイナリ重みベクトルを扱う自己組織化マップを再生に用いた遺伝的アルゴリズム" 第21回 ファジィシステム シンポジウム講演論文集,pp.860-865,2005.
  7. 田向 権,堀尾 恵一,山川 烈 "自己組織化関係ネットワークのためのメンバシップ関数生成ハードウェア" 第21回 ファジィシステム シンポジウム講演論文集,pp.866-869,2005.
  8. 篠原 博史,堀尾 恵一,山川 烈 "簡便なデータを用いて正確な経営状態分類マップを作成する一手法" 第21回 ファジィシステム シンポジウム講演論文集,pp.870-873,2005.
  9. 久保田 良輔,堀尾 恵一,山川 烈 "スキーマを利用した自己組織化マップの重み更新則とその遺伝的アルゴリズムへの応用" 第18回バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会年次大会講演論文集,pp.39-42,2005.
  1. Takeshi Yamakawa, International Fuzzy System Association Fellowship Award(国際ファジィシステム学会 フェロー賞), July 30, 2005.
  2. 山川烈, 日本知能情報ファジィ学会 貢献賞, 2005年9月8日. .


  1. 山川 烈 「理解する」とは? 日本神経回路学会誌 Vol.11No.3 ,pp111-113, 2004 年 9 月
[特別講演,Plenary Lecture]
  1. Takeshi Yamakawa "Brain-inspired SOR Network and Its Application to Trailer Track Back-up Control," 8 th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems(KES'2004), 20-24 Sep.8:30 〜 9:30, Wellington,New Zealand
  2. 山川 烈 「脳情報処理機能に学ぶ新しいコンピュータパラダイム−脳情報工学− 」 バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会第 17 回年次大会  2004 年 11 月 14 日 13:40 〜 14:30
  3. Takeshi Yamakawa "Orthognathic Surgery Support System Based on Soft Computing Techniques," Conference on Neuro-Computing and Evolving Intelligence 2004(NCEI'04),14 Dec.13:00 〜 14:00,New Zealand,2004.
  1. Takashi Aso, Noriaki Suetake and Takeshi Yamakawa "Edge / Detail Preserving Fuzzy Interpolation Algorithm For Image Enlargement" Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing,Vol.10,No.2,pp.79-94,2004.
  2. Hakaru Tamukoh, Keiichi Horio and Takeshi Yamakawa "Fast Learning Algorithm for Self-Organizing Map Employing Rough Comparison WTA and its Digital Hardware Implementation,," IEICE Trans. on Electronics, Vol.E87-C, No.11, pp1787-1794,2004.
  1. Ryosuke Kubota, Takeshi yamakawa and Keiichi Horio "Reproduction Strategy Based on Self-Organizing Map for Real-coded Genetic Algorithms" Neural Information Processing - Letters and Reviews, Vol.5, No.4, pp. 27-32, Nov., 2004.
  1. Takeshi Yamakawa, Keiichi Horio and Keisuke Ueno ," Robot Manipulator Control Using Topology Representing Network According toInitial Posture," Proc. of the Ninth Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB'04), pp.498-501,2004.
  2. Takeshi Yamakawa, Keiichi Horio, Takanori Koga "Self-Organizing Relationship Network for Constructing I/O Relationship Based on Subjective and Objective Evaluations" BrainIT 2004.
  3. Masaaki Iwasaki, Takeshi Yamakawa "Insect vision inspired visual sensor employing new collision avoidance algorithm of approaching object" International Workshop on Fuzzy Systems and Innovative Commutation(FIC2004), in CDROM, 2004.
  4. Hideaki Kawano,Takeshi Yamakawa and Keiichi Horio "Kernel-Based Adaptive Subspace Self-Organizing Map as a Nonlinear Subspace Pattern Recognition" Proc. of World Automation Congress (WAC2004), in CD-ROM, 2004.
  5. Takashi Aso, Noriaki Suetake and Takeshi Yamakawa "A Fast And Accurate Image Enlargement Algorithm Employing A Weighted Sum Of Linear Extrapolations" Proc. of World Automation Congress (WAC2004), in CD-ROM, 2004.
  6. Hakaru Tamukoh, Takashi Aso andTakeshi Yamakawa "Hybrid Hardware / Software System For Codebook-Based Image Enlargement Employing Self-Organizing Map" Proc. of World Automation Congress (WAC2004), in CD-ROM, 2004.
  7. Hakaru Tamukoh, Takashi Aso, Keiichi Horio andTakeshi Yamakawa "Self-Organizing Map Hardware Accelerator System and its Application to Realtime Image Enlargement" Proc. of Int.Joint Conf. on Neural Networks(IJCNN2004),pp.2683-2687,2004.
  8. Minoru Tsukada,Takeshi Yamakawa,Syozo Yasui " Japan 's Center-Of-Excellence Program: Two COE's for Brain Science/Technology" Proc. of Int.Joint Conf. on Neural Networks(IJCNN2004), pp.381-386,2004.
  9. Keiichi Horio and Takeshi Yamakawa "Feedback adaptive subspace self-organizing map for robust spatio-temporal pattern classification,," Brain-inspired IT I,International Congress Series 1269,pp125-128,2004.
  10. Hideaki Kawano, Keiichi Horio, Takeshi Yamakawa "Feedback Nonlinear Adaptive Manifold SOM for Hand Gesture Classification," Proc. of Joint 2 nd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 5 th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS2004), in CD-ROM, 2004.
  11. Masumi Ishikawa, Fredrik Linaker, Masahiro Nagamatsu, Takeshi Yamakawa, Syozo Yasui "Modeling Approaches to Brain-like Information Technology," Proc. of Joint 2 nd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 5 th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS2004), in CD-ROM, 2004.
  12. Tsutomu Miki, Takashi Morie and Takeshi Yamakawa "Hardware Modeling and Design of Brain-like Information Systems," Proc. of Joint 2 nd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 5 th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS2004), in CD-ROM, 2004.
  13. Hideaki Kawano, Keiichi Horio, Takeshi Yamakawa "Adaptive Affine Subspace Self-organizing Map with Kernel Method," Proc. of 11 th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2004), pp387-392, 2004.
  14. Takanori Koga, Keiichi Horio, Takeshi Yamakawa "Self-organizing Relationship (SOR) Network with Fuzzy Inference Based Evaluation and Its Application to Trailer-Truck Back-Up Control," Proc. of 11 th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2004), pp368-374, 2004.
  15. Ryosuke Kubota, Keiichi Horio and Takeshi Yamakawa "Optimal Design of Reproduction Strategy in Real-coded Genetic Algorithm using Self-Organizing Map," Proc. of Conf. on Neuro-Computing and Evolving Intelligence (NCEI'04), pp. 26-27, Auckland , New Zealand , Dec. 13-15, 2004.
  16. Hakaru Tamukoh, Keiichi Horio and Takeshi Yamakawa "Modified Execution Mode of Self-Organizing Relationship (SOR) Network for Efficient Digital Hardware Implementation,," Proc. of Conf. on Neuro-Computing and Evolving Intelligence (NCEI'04), pp.90-91, Dec., 2004.
  1. 河野 英昭,堀尾 恵一,山川 烈 "カーネル法を適用した適応部分空間自己組織化マップ" 第5回自己組織化マップ研究会講演論文集,pp.59-62,2004.
  2. 山川 烈,堀尾 恵一,古賀 崇了 "自己組織化関係ネットワークによるトレーラ・トラックの後退運転制御" 第5回自己組織化マップ研究会講演論文集,pp.17-22,2004.
  3. 田向 権,麻生 隆史,堀尾 恵一,山川 烈 "自己組織化マップハードウェアを用いた高精度リアルタイム画像拡大" 第17回回路とシステム軽井沢ワークショップ論文集,pp.211-216,2004.
  4. 河野 英昭 , 山川 烈 , 堀尾 恵一 "カーネル法を適用した高次元特徴空間上での適応部分空間自己組織化マップ" 第 20 回ファジィ システム シンポジウム講演論文集 , pp.241-244,2004.
  5. 山川 烈 , 堀尾 恵一 , 園尾 聡 "多価関数を近似する自己組織関係ネットワークとその逆問題への応用" 第 20 回ファジィ システム シンポジウム講演論文集 , pp.245-248,2004.
  6. 篠原 博史 , 山川 烈 , 堀尾 恵一 "自己組織化マップを用いた財務分析ツール" 第 20 回ファジィ システム シンポジウム講演論文集 , pp.249-252,2004.
  7. 山川 烈 , 堀尾 恵一 , 原 潤 "尺度の異なるデータを扱う自己組織化マップ" 第 20 回ファジィ システム シンポジウム講演論文集 , pp.253-256,2004.
  8. 堀尾 恵一 , 升井 一郎 , 末竹 規哲 , 山川 烈 "術後側貌の審美性を考慮した顎矯正手術支援システムの開発 その 1 " バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会第 17 回年次大会講演論文集 , pp.111-114, 13-14 Nov., 2004.
  9. 篠原 博史 , 山川 烈 , 堀尾 恵一 "自己組織化マップを用いた倒産分析システム" 第 6 回 日本知能情報ファジィ学会九州支部学術講演会予稿集 ,pp111-114,2004.
  10. 山川 烈 , 堀尾 恵一 , 星野 雅治 "入力ベクトル空間が非凸である自己組織化マップ" 第 6 回 日本知能情報ファジィ学会九州支部学術講演会予稿集 ,pp107-110,2004.
  11. 田向 権,麻生 隆史,堀尾 恵一,山川 烈 "粗い勝者決定とバッチ学習を用いた自己組織化マップハードウェア" 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 , vol.104, no.471, pp.45-50, 2004.
  12. 平塚 智一, 堀尾 恵一, 山川 烈 "GASOM分類器のディジタルハードウェア設計に関する研究" 第8回システムLSIワークショップ講演資料集およびポスター資料集, pp.291-294, 2004.
  1. Takeshi Yamakawa, KES 2004 Special Award(KES 2004特別賞), September 24, 2004.


  1. 麻生 隆史,末竹 規哲,山川 烈 "自己組織化マップを用いたコードブックの生成と汎用的利用を目的とした画像拡大手法" 電気学会論文誌 C IEEJ Trans.EIS,Vol.123,No.1,pp.108-117,2003.
  2. Takashi Aso, Noriaki Suetake, Takeshi Yamakawa "A Code-reduction Technique for SOM-based Image Enlargement Employing Fuzzy Inference" IEEJ Trans.EIS,Vol.123,No.6,pp1-2,2003 年 6月
  1. T. Yamakawa,Keiichi Horio,Keisuke Ueno "Robot manipulator control using topology representing network" Proc. 9 th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics,pp.498-501,2003.
  2. Keiichi Horio and Takeshi Yamakawa "Hybrid System of ASSOM and Feedback SOM for Spatio-Temporal Pattern Classification" Proc. of Workshop Self-Organizing Maps(WSOM'03).pp.140-143, 11-14 Sep., Kitakyushu , Japan 2003.
  3. Takeshi Yamakawa ,Keiichi Horio and Satoshi Sono "Inverse Execution Mode of the SOR Network and its Application to Multi-Valued Function" Proc. of Workshop Self-Organizing Maps(WSOM'03).pp.273-276, 11-14 Sep., Kitakyushu , Japan 2003.
  4. Hakaru Tamukoh ,Keiichi Horio and Takeshi Yamakawa "Fast Leaning Algorithm for Self-Organizing Map and its Digital Hardware Implementation" Proc. of Workshop Self-Organizing Maps(WSOM'03).pp.283-286, 11-14 Sep., Kitakyushu , Japan 2003.
  5. Takeshi Yamakawa "Trailer Truck Back-up Control Using Self-Organizing Relationship Network" Proc.of Conference on Neuro-Computing and Evolving Intelligence 2003(NCEI'03),pp.20-21,20-21 Nov., New Zealand ,2003.
  1. 山川 烈,堀尾 恵一,古賀 崇了 "評価値がファジィ推論によって与えられる自己組織化関係ネットワークによるトレーラ・トラックの後退運転制御" 第5回日本知能情報ファジィ学会九州支部学術講演会講演予稿集,pp.45-48,2003.
  2. 麻生 隆史,末竹 規哲,山川 烈 "線形外挿のファジィ推論に基づく画像拡大手法" 第19回「ファジィシステムシンポジウム」講演論文集,pp.403-406,2003.
  3. 山川 烈,堀尾 恵一,上野 圭介 "ロボットアームの現在の姿勢を考慮した自己組織化システムよる手先位置制御" 第19回「ファジィシステムシンポジウム」講演論文集,pp.59-62,2003.
  4. 堀尾 恵一, 山川 烈 "適応部分空間SOMとフィードバックSOMを融合した時空間パターン認識" 第4回自己組織化マップ研究会講演論文集 , pp.11-14, 2003 年 3 月 20 日
  5. 山川 烈, 堀尾 恵一, 田向 権 "高速 WTA アルゴリズムを用いた自己組織化マップとそのディジタルハードウェアによるアクセラレータ" 第4回自己組織化マップ研究会講演論文集 , pp.33-36, 2003 年 3 月 20 日
  6. 山川 烈 , 堀尾 恵一 ,上野 圭介 "自己組織化システムによるロボットアームの現在の姿勢を考慮した手先位置制御" 第4回自己組織化マップ研究会講演論文集 , pp.43-48, 2003 年 3 月 20 日
  7. 升井 一郎,下 尚紀,堀尾 恵一,山川 烈 "ソフトコンピューティング技術を用いた顎変形症治療支援システム" バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会第16回年次大会講演予稿集, pp.97-100, 18-19 Oct.,Tokyo,Japan 2003.
  1. 山川烈, 日本知能情報ファジィ学会 フェロー賞, 2003年1月11日.
  2. Takeshi Yamakawa, KEDRI Distinguished Scientist Award (KEDRI最優秀科学者賞), November 21, 2003.


  1. Keiichi Horio , Ichiro Masui, Masashi Kumamoto, Takeshi Yamakawa "Hierarchical Classification Method Based On Self-Organizing Maps And Genetic Algorithm" Proc. of the 1st Int. Conf. on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (SCIS2002) in CD ROM, 21-25 Oct., Tsukuba, Japan, 2002.
  2. Takeshi Yamakawa, Keiichi Horio, Jun-ichi Takatori "Hardware Design of Self-Organizing Maps Using Pulse Width Modulation Based Signai Processing" Proc. of the 1st Int. Conf. on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (SCIS2002) in CD ROM, 21-25 Oct., Tsukuba, Japan, 2002.
  3. Takeshi Yamakawa "A Chaos Chip for Experiment of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems" Proc. of the Fifth Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium,in CD-ROM,3-6 Feb., Calcutta , India ,2002.
  4. Takeshi Yamakawa "Self-organising Neurocomputing systems" Neuro-Computing Colloquium&Workshop (NCC&W'02),30-31 Oct, Auckland , New Zealand ,2002.
  5. Takeshi Yamakawa ,Keiichi Horio and Tomokazu Hiratsuka "Advanced Self-Organizing Maps Using Binary Weight Vector And Its Digital Hardware Design" Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. on Neural Information Processing, in CD ROM, 18-22 Nov., Singapore, 2002.
  6. Takashi Aso ,Noriaki Suetake and Takeshi Yamakawa "A Code-Reduction Technique For An Image Enlargement By Using A Som-Based Fuzzy Interpolation" Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. on Neural Information Processing, in CD ROM, 18-22 Nov., Singapore, 2002.
  1. 堀尾 恵一,升井 一郎,山川 烈 "症型分類に基づいた顎変形症術後側貌の予測" バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会第15回年次大会講演予稿集,pp.25-28,19-20 Oct.,Shimonoseki,Japan,2002.
  2. 山川 烈,今里 浩子,久保田 良輔 "学習ベクトル量子化を用いた白血球分類支援システムの構築" バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会第15回年次大会講演予稿集,pp.25-28,19-20 Oct.,Shimonoseki,Japan,2002.
  3. 麻生 隆史,末竹 規哲,山川 烈 "SOMに基づく学習型ファジィ推論とその画像拡大への応用" 第18回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集,pp.325-328,2002.
  4. 山川 烈,堀尾 恵一,平塚 智一 "バイナリ重みベクトルの自己組織化マップとそのディジタルハードウェア設計" 第18回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集,pp.551-554,2002.
  5. 山川 烈,堀尾 恵一,高取 純一 "自己組織化マップのパルス幅変調信号を用いたハードウェアによる実現" 第18回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集,pp.337-340,2002.




  1. 山川烈,今里浩子,「誘電泳動装置および方法」PCT/JP2008/ 068114,2008年9月26日.
  2. 山川烈,ジミン レフ,ジミン ユラ,「冷却操作用針状プロープおよび冷却操作システム」, 特許,PCT/JP2009/000639,2009年2月17日.
  3. 山川俊貴、山川烈,「脳信号計測システム、生体内計測装置及び脳信号計測位置制御方法」, 特許,PCT/JP2011/51237,2011年1月24日.


  1. 【米国】Takeshi Yamakawa, Hiroko Imasato, "Dielectrophoresis Apparatus and Method," Pat. No.8,864,972 (Oct. 21, 2014).
  2. 【中国】Takeshi Yamakawa, Hiroko Imasato, 「誘電泳動装置および方法」, ZL 2008 8 0110322.4, (January 9, 2013).
  3. 【韓国】Takashi Yamakawa, 「誘電泳動装置(Dielectrophoresis Divice)」, 特許番号:10-1162434, (June 27, 2012).
  4. 【英国】Takeshi Yamakawa, Tatsuji Tokiwa, "Apparatus and Method for Generating Chaotic Signals and Chaos Device," Pat. No. 2470168B, (June 6, 2012).
  5. 【韓国】Takashi Yamakawa, "Apparatus and Method for Generating Chaotic Signals and Chaos Device," Appl. No.2432(February 22,1993).
  6. 【米国】Takeshi Yamakawa "Apparatus and Method for Generating Chaotic Signals and Chaos Device' (February 21,1993)
  7. 【カナダ】Takeshi Yamakawa,"Apparatus and Method for Generating Chaotic Signals and Chaos Device" (February 21,1993)
  8. 【ヨーロッパ】Takeshi Yamakawa,"Apparatus and Method for Generating Chaotic Signals and Chaos Device" No.0556819A2(February 18,1993)
  9. 【米国】Takeshi Yamakawa,"Fuzzy Computer" Pat. No.5,295,226(Sep.2.,1992)
  10. 【米国】Takeshi Yamakawa,"Fuzzy Computer" Pat. Pat.No.5,167,005(August 11,1989)
  11. 【オーストラリア】Takeshi Yamakawa,"MIN/MAX Circuits," Appl.No.37139/89(June 28,1989)
  12. 【米国】Takeshi Yamakawa,"Fuzzy Membership Function Circuit", Pat.No.5,113,366(March 14,1989)
  13. 【台湾】Takeshi Yamakawa"Fuzzy Computer" No.30583(February 22,1989)
  14. 【米国】Takeshi Yamakawa" Fuzzy Logic Computers and Circuits" Pat. No.4 875,184(Nov.5,1987)
  15. 【米国】Takeshi Yamakawa"Fuzzy Logic Semifinished Integrated Circuit" Pat.No.4,860,243(April,1987)
  16. 【米国】Takeshi Yamakawa"Multivalued ALU," Pat.No.4,914,614(before March 4,1987).
  17. 【米国】Takeshi Yamakawa,"Fuzzy Membership Function Circuit", Pat.No.4,837,725(October 14,1986).
  18. 【ヨーロッパ】Takeshi Yamakawa"Basic Circuitry Particularly for Construction of Multivalued Logic Systems" No.0189894 A2(January 28,1986)
  19. 【米国】Takeshi Yamakawa"Basic Circuitry Particularly for Construction of Multivalued Logic Systems" Pat.No.4,814,644(January 22 ,1986)
  20. 【ヨーロッパ】Takeshi Yamakawa"Multi-Functional Fuzzy Logic Circuit" No.0168004 A2(July 5,1985)
  21. 【米国】Takeshi Yamakawa"Multi-Functional Fuzzy Logic Circuit"Pat.No.4,716,540(July 3,1985)
  22. 【米国】Takeshi Yamakawa"Fuzzy Logic Circuit," Pat.No.4,694,41(March 22,1985).
  23. 【ヨーロッパ】Takeshi Yamakawa"Fuzzy Logic Circuit," No.0162225 A1(March 22,1985).




  1. 山川烈、ジミン レフ グレゴリエビッチ、ジミン ユーリ ルボビッチ, 「冷却操作用針状プローブおよび冷却操作システム」 特許番号:5549938, 2014年5月30日
  2. 山川烈、今里浩子, 「誘電泳動装置および方法」 特許番号:5120968, 2012年11月2日
  3. 山川 烈,常盤 達司, 「制御システム,振動制御装置及び制御信号生成方法」 特願2008-52752, 2007年
  4. 山川 烈,今里 浩子, 「誘電泳動力の測定方法および装置」 特願2007-262058,2007年10月5日
  5. 山川 烈,堀尾恵一,田中隆博, 「データ処理装置及び方法」 特願2006-240739,2006年9月5日
  6. 山川 烈,田向 権, 「データ生成回路およびデータ生成方法」 特願2006-198797,2006年7月20日
  7. 山川 烈,堀尾恵一,中島英信, 「画像解析装置,画像解析方法及びプログラム」 特願2006-106999,2006年4月7日
  8. 山川 烈,堀尾恵一,高取純一, 「時系列データ認識法,時系列データ認識装置及びプログラム」 特願2006-43009,2006年2月20日
  9. 山川 烈,堀尾恵一,相川 暁, 「画像認識装置,画像認識方法及びプログラム」 特願2005-376676,2006年12月27日